Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Long Dong Silva Movie

In Turin, the presentation of the annual Science and Society

Exits the Science and Society Yearbook 2011 with the Italians, science and digital technology and science in the Italian media.

The volume will premiere Wednesday, February 23, 2011, at 18:30, at the Circle of Readers Graneri of the Rock Palace, Via Bogino 9, Torino.

now in its seventh edition of the Yearbook Science and Society proposes, in a concise and accessible, an annotated collection of information and data from the most reliable national and international sources, useful to understand the state and the transformation of research and innovation in our society: human resources and investment, patents and use of new technologies, public orientation towards science, a chronology of major events that have marked the relationship between science and society in 2010, the volumes published on the subject during the year.
Once again, ample space devoted to the most recent trends in the relationship between science, media and public opinion: "The Italians, science and digital technologies. Science, technology and public opinion in Italy in 2010, "with new data Centre 's Science, Technology and Society," Science in the Italian media: trends and emerging issues',' Youth and scientific university ',' The cultures of the food in Italy and Europe. Perceptions, safety and role of research. "

Aldo Fasolo (Management Committee, Compagnia di San Paolo)

Massimiano Bucchi and Giuseppe Pellegrini (Observa Science in Society)

Speakers: Gabriele
Beccaria (Curator of TuttoScienzeTecnologia - La Stampa)
Luca De Biase (NĂ²va24 Manager - Il Sole 24 Ore)
Giuseppina De Santis (Management Committee, Society of San Paolo)

The book, published by Il Mulino and implemented with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo , will be available in all libraries by the end February or free for members Observa.

Read Press Office Observa: 0444 305454;

For previous editions of the Science and Society, please visit the Yearbook .



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