Oggi è tempo di Carnevale della Fisica ospitato sul blog Questione della Decisione di Paolo Pascucci.
Every 30 months the bloggers come together to take the time to physics in all its forms, from art to psychology always going strictly for science, publishing articles free theme.
The host public blog links to articles participants.
- blog
- 23 participants this month (but the authors are many more)
- 50 articles
Here the English blog that he founded in 2009 with the Italian blog Severity Zero Carnival of physics is Gravedad Cero , reminiscent of the genius of Enrico Fermi. The blog host the English language is tecnoloxia.org
community portals that host the various contributions of the participants and host are:
- http://carnevaledellafisica.ning.com - in Italian
- http://carnavaldelafisica.ning.com - English
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