A 20 anni dalla uscita del suo primo numero, dopo una continua attività che l’ha vista affrontare sempre i principali problemi the debates that have occurred over the years, Turistica.it makes its debut in the online community presenting a interactive platform dedicated professionals, experts and academia in the field of tourism , of cultural of regional marketing and related economies.
Turistica.it is a collaborative effort Mercury Ltd, which since 1991 offers a service to companies and institutions for decision support 'or strategic stance in the tourism and cultural heritage , e Time and Mind , web agency specializzata nello sviluppo di strategie e progetti di comunicazione integrata on-line e off-line , web marketing e content management .
Il progetto parte dalla considerazione del ruolo fondamentale che la presenza online ha assunto durante gli ultimi anni, con la crescente necessità di disporre di una fonte di informazioni attendibili e di contribuire a valorizzare le risorse scientifiche mirate al settore turismo.
Si vuole anche che i contenuti presentati sulla piattaforma assumano una grande rilevanza anche a livello internazionale secondo principi di etica, accessibilità e professionalità; tali criteri debbono form the basis of business and research activities.
Turistica.it portal offers the opportunity to stay updated on the most significant events in the field, download the free report as well as many e-commerce functionality to buy directly through articles and publications in digital format, and follow training seminars held by Emilio Becheri , one of the leaders in the field of tourism, responsible for Mercury Ltd and Professor of Economics Cultural Heritage at the University of Florence.
the age of the Internet tourist numbers come increasingly through decisions that are made online and Turistica.it offers operators and scholars in the field all the tools to decipher the trends through detailed studies and reliable.
Individual chapters of the "Report on Italian Tourism " (seventeenth edition in 2011), reference document for tourism policy and useful means of supporting the strategic choices of all actors, public and private, that operate directly or indirectly in the industry, and articles in business magazines, management and marketing Tourist "(XX years in 2011) can also be bought online, the most recent edition of the first publication. The section allows e-commerce customize your purchase to your needs study or business. From the archive you will see more field studies such as the Mediation Report Tourist , the system reports Spa and Wellness , the system reports Hospitality etc.
The current platform has to be seen in its experimental phase for which we accept proposals for improvement. Essential point of the platform is to enable a community of experts in the tourism and cultural assets free from any political and ideological conditioning and therefore able to define an approach that leads to problems and evaluate proposals for their intrinsic value, nel pieno rispetto delle diverse opinioni.
La piattaforma si presenta con varie sezioni fra le quali una sugli osservatori del turismo ed una dedicata all’e-commerce. La prima tenta di proporre una sintesi dei vari osservatori oggi esistenti, alcuni dei quali organizzati direttamente da Mercury Srl, la seconda si fonda sulla proposta di argomenti specifici facilmente reperibili sul sito con risparmio di costi e di tempi.
Saranno recepite e selezionate anche le notizie, le attività ed i riferimenti che ci saranno proposte da enti, istituzioni e centri di ricerca e di formazione del comparto.
Un innovativo sistema di e-learning agevolerà l’interazione tra utenti e il corpo docente Mercury Srl / Turistica.it to deepen skills and knowledge in the field of economy and tourism through courses in management and development of land management and corporate and seminars on topics like sustainable development, and marketing strategies on the web European funds.
The international nature of the topics covered, content presented, and the tourism industry itself are the main reason for the crucial next step in the path Turistica.it : expanding beyond the Italian borders. This will happen in early 2011 with the introduction of the online platform in English along with the opportunity to purchase a selection of articles from Magazine "Tourist" and "Report on Italian Tourism." Available in Italian and English, the portal will be expanded soon to other languages \u200b\u200bto widen the pool of potential users, with the ultimate goal of opening the doors to the international level by providing a professional look and analysis on some of the most distinctive aspects of Italy such as tourism and cultural heritage.
Turistica.it is the first step of a "digital ecosystem " which will promote culture in the tourism sector through the dissemination of content online skilled and constantly updated.
Leslie Griffiths
Tel: 055 2302470
Via de 'Bardi, 39 50125 Florence
Lita Savoy
info @ timeandmind.com
Tel: 01119505938
Corso Svizzera, 185 10149 Torino
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