Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ceramic Orchid Mounts

La Scienza maltrattata in TV vista con gli occhi di un quindicenne

Marco, 15, is - like many of his peers - very attentive to science and its wide dissemination.

has already won awards at national and international and a pleasure for us to publish his letter.

Marco turns to Ivan, a boy his age, trying to convey the same passion and removing transmissions, such as Voyager, on TV posing as science. It 'an open letter, written with sincerity and enthusiasm of a fifteen year old youth with a great desire to learn.
"E 'serious damage - said Marco - that advisers" not serious "can do intelligent and passionate about kids," Alter "playing cards".
Science-more-then nothing for granted. Each statement has to be removed and subject to debate, demonstrated. Only then can we sbufalare the nonsense that we see on TV often passed off as real and re-establish the scientific truth of things. And above all not to be fooled.


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