Monday, February 21, 2011

Has Anyone Taken Dhea

Nanotechnology and young Europeans

Now there's a plus for young Turin (but not only) that want to specialize in this discipline.

NANOYOU stands for Nanotechnology to youth, aimed particularly at young people aged between 11 and 25 to increase their knowledge of nanotechnology, but also encourage them and engage them in debates on ethical issues, legal and social issues.

The project, begun in 2009, and funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme is implemented by a partnership coordinated by the international educational center Ort Israel, and also includes European Schoolnet, the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre of Aarhus University, the Nanoscience Centre at Cambridge University and La Cité de La Science, Paris.

In Italy various schools have joined the initiative to become pilot schools, including, Tuscany, the Liceo Scientifico E. Majorana Capannori (Lu).

NANOYOU All material is distributed and licensed under a Creative Commons free download from the project .

He talks about innov'azione Journalism and


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