Monday, February 28, 2011

Omeprazolehow Long To Work

Un corso per artigiani e commercianti che insegna "tecniche e strategie di vendita"

CNA Commercial and Advanced Communication in collaboration with CNA, and CNA Federmoda Commerce will organize a training course titled "Learn to sell well," reserved for artisans and merchants associated with the CNA Turin interested in developing their relational skills geared to sales.

The course is divided into two modules that can be attended individually.

Module A
  • sales techniques
  • centrality existence of the sale of the company
  • arrange the sale through the appropriate means of customer insight
  • formula Sheldon
  • handle objections

Module B
  • CRM sales and relational
  • maintain relationships with customers
  • the tools of NLP in the negotiation
  • seven rules of successful entrepreneur
  • handle complaints
  • theory circles
  • transactional analysis applied to the sale.

Il corso si svolgerà presso la sede provinciale della CNA in via Millio 26 a Torino.

Fotos Do Jetta Tdi 2010


Oggi è tempo di Carnevale della Fisica ospitato sul blog Questione della Decisione di Paolo Pascucci.

Every 30 months the bloggers come together to take the time to physics in all its forms, from art to psychology always going strictly for science, publishing articles free theme.

The host public blog links to articles participants.

  • 23 participants this month (but the authors are many more)
  • 50 articles

Here the English blog that he founded in 2009 with the Italian blog Severity Zero Carnival of physics is Gravedad Cero , reminiscent of the genius of Enrico Fermi. The blog host the English language is

community portals that host the various contributions of the participants and host are:

The next Carnival of Physics, 17 °, will be held March 30 Blog of Maghimatici ,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yellow Ranger Died In A Car Crash

[Cd-r from the world - 1]
JAVASPA (anarcho hip-hop, Greece) - Χάσμα Γενεών (d.i.y. cd-r 2008)
[Puj] Salviamo dall'oblio alcuni cd-r recuperati in giro per il mondo, come ad esempio questo album degli squatter greci Javaspa, hip hop militante di base a Volos .
Veniva distribuito gratuitamente (!) allo squat Metsagou di Volos, dove suonammo qualche anno fa. Serbiamo un ricordo belli
ssimo di quel posto, dell'ospitalità e dell'entusiasmo delle persone (per la verità, ricordo anche un'overdose di fasolakia fredda, una specie di caponata di fagioli green typical of Greece. For three days we have not eaten another tour!).
Javaspa I declare: "In our songs speak of the problems facing Greek society and we do a anarcho-libertarian perspective. We think that libertarian communism and anarchy does not fit only to us but to all people, simply because they represent the nature of man. What man would not want to live in a society of mutual aid and respect, without property and without individualism is prevalent today, without exploitation and other situations depressing? . Another witness
viability and political consciousness of the Greek diy scene, which is practically unknown to us. CD artwork by the cartoonist / greek fanzinari Johnny Negri ...

>>> Download Javaspa
Χάσμα Γενεών
cd-r. Mp3 + art scan (. Rar - 103 mb.)

[Cd- r from the world - 2 ]
LAMANTE (power violence, Belarus) - снехинка (cd-r 2005)
[PUJ] Another cd-r recovered around and dug out from under a pile of records in recent days. The Lamant are Belarus in Minsk and monstrous sound grind / crust for at least a decade.
I did not find much information about them: I bought this cd-r from a distro because I liked the cover. We were in St. Petersburg, Russia, in a kind of alternative club where we played a little later. The guy who gave it to me I spoke for half an hour of this band, but in Russian. I tried to tell him that I was Italian, when he became aware of it, without batting an eyelid, he attacked again in English fiction. Did not improve the situation: I understood almost better than her Russian.
The proposal is musical Lamant is joyously brutal: 14 micro-power violence songs (the longest lasts one minute and 19) from tattered ears. Enjoy!

>>> Download LAMANTE
снехинка cd-r (2005) in. Mp3 + art scan (. Rar - 19 mb.)

[ cd-r from the world - 3 ]
LTS (folk-punk, France) - Live et sauvage (cd-r live 2001)
[PUJ] close this review cd-r from the world with "Live et sauvage" of the French LTS (Long Term Survivors), which was given to me by his friend Richard a few years ago. The LTS
Saorge come from a small town in the Roya Valley in the south of France, whom we know well avendoci played three times! The Roya Valley is definitely more punk than the valley I've ever seen, a high concentration of freak, primitivist, hippie punx and small families. There we played in more extreme situations, in the woods, on the edge of precipices, on rickety boxes made of branches and leaves, we crossed mule overhanging streets landslides, transport of the amp with a wheelbarrow through the forest paths just mentioned, stayed in bed invaded by Fomich in tents at night seemed cold and the morning turned into blast furnaces ... ah, what memories! It 's always sweet to think back to those moments when you were certain to die and then, by chance, are you out alive ...
However, in the south of France is a strong kind of-date, which is what playing the LTS: a kind of folk punk with drum machine and chitarrone thrash-metal (for those who want to deepen, we already talked about this a strange sound, like the punk bands that use light-hearted French make drum machine). "Live et sauvage" is a recording of a concert that the LTS held in Belgium in 2001. Do not expect stuff to be included in your playlist pussies to cry, you'll find festive piece of music for flute, mandolin and drum machines to dance barefoot in the mud. Stuff for real punx!

>>> Download LTS "Live et Sauvage" (2001). Mp3 + art scan (. Rar - 99 mb.)

3 Year Old Son Hand Flapping

ITWIIN a TORINO: un premio per l'innovazione al femminile

Source: Zero Gravity , media partners of

successful coupling In its third year, the Award ITWIIN is also addressed in this year exceptionally creative Italian women in all sectors and all professions, the recognition of professional achievements in the fields of research, 'innovation and technology transfer .

The two main prizes, Best Inventor and Best Innovative, Italian women will be assigned to or residing in the Italian territory in possession of a patent or a product / process / service innovation, and will consist of a total prize of € 5000, services advice and the application to automatically called by EUWIIN European prize in 2013 (European Women Inventors & Innovators Network).

Bids must be submitted at itwiin.premio @ sending the forms no later than April 16, 2011 .

The main requirements for a candidate in the Best Inventor are:
  • the invention proposed to be covered by patents issued in Italy or in any other state, as well as European Patent Office;
  • un'inventrice can enter the competition is that a co-inventor.
Instead, they can enter the competition for the Best Award Innovatric and :
  • the researchers with a degree who have an active research contract with a public or private - women entrepreneurs and corporate members
  • and the professions have a VAT or to its members and registered professional.
At Competition ITWIIN 2011, the Partners of the event were raffled three Special Awards:

- the Special Award for Industrial Design to 1500 € offered by the industrial property consulting firm in De Simone & Partners, for designers of the female gender of one or more models with individual distinguishing characteristics, to join send a description of the model or models, accompanied by photographic reproductions and / or drawings itwiin.premio @ not later than April 16, 2011 ;

- THE PRIZE AWARD - Honoring Italian Women Scientists in America, for the Italian scientist in America most voted by the community of researchers and professionals who gather around the social network association BridgesToItaly California, to participate please visit ;

- the Press DIST-Telpress: Located ( District Information Science and Technology Innovation) Telpress Italy SpA and reward the author of the draft that, among the competitors ITWIIN Award and Special Prizes associated, has demonstrated greater effectiveness in communication.

To join THE PRIZE AWARD visit: .

Prizes are not cumulative.

The ceremony ITWIIN Award 2011 and the Special Awards will take place on June 14, 2011 in Turin , at Centro Congressi Torino Meet (Sala Einaudi), Via Nino Costa 8.

Sources: Scientific Journalism

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Will Pingueculum Go Away?


The Salami duja is classified as "Product of the traditional food of the Piemonte Region, pursuant to art. 8 of the Decree. April 30, 1998, No 173 and the Annex to the Resolution of the Regional April 15, 2002 No 46-5823.

The Salami duja ("salam d'la duja " in Piedmontese) is a typical product of the areas of Vercelli and Novara.
E 'a sausage preserved in lard, which allows you to keep soft for periods of one year and by a distinctive spicy flavor. The name derives from the particular container used in the past for its maturation. In piemontesese "duja" means vessel, container, container. This method of preservation was used in the past, especially in very humid areas of Piedmont, where you could not have ripened salami air with the traditional method. The length of the sausage
duja is 15-20 cm, 4-5 cm in diameter and weighs approximately 200 grams. The

duja the salami is an ingredient of a recipe famous Piedmontese cuisine, the dish of panissa vercellese.Ma can also be eaten raw.

Visita spesso il nostro blog   per scoprire sempre nuovi   prodotti tipici del Piemonte.

Ceramic Orchid Mounts

La Scienza maltrattata in TV vista con gli occhi di un quindicenne

Marco, 15, is - like many of his peers - very attentive to science and its wide dissemination.

has already won awards at national and international and a pleasure for us to publish his letter.

Marco turns to Ivan, a boy his age, trying to convey the same passion and removing transmissions, such as Voyager, on TV posing as science. It 'an open letter, written with sincerity and enthusiasm of a fifteen year old youth with a great desire to learn.
"E 'serious damage - said Marco - that advisers" not serious "can do intelligent and passionate about kids," Alter "playing cards".
Science-more-then nothing for granted. Each statement has to be removed and subject to debate, demonstrated. Only then can we sbufalare the nonsense that we see on TV often passed off as real and re-establish the scientific truth of things. And above all not to be fooled.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Much To Barnes And Noble Cafe Managers Make

Dottorato in scienze per Rita Levi-Montalcini

As anticipated a few days ago the McGill University in Montreal has given the prize Nobel Rita Levi-Montalcini la laurea honoris causa in scienze.
Rita Levi-Montalcini si è laureata in medicina all'Università di Torino, dopo avere studiato a fianco e sugli stessi banchi con i premi Nobel Salvador Luria e Renato Dulbecco .
Ecco il filmato segnalato oggi da Uniroma.TV

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Gli italiani, la scienza e le tecnologie Digital

Presentati in anteprima oggi a Torino i dati dell’Osservatorio su "The Italians, science and digital technology" contained in the new edition of the Science and Society 2011 (Il Mulino), edited by Observa Science in Society .

Among the issues relevant data on the average age of Italian researchers: "The age of human resources: a brake on the Italian research?" The Italian research is not for young teachers. Only 16 out of 100 teachers have less than 40 years, unlike countries such as Cyprus and Poland, which count more than half. Even in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands, the proportion of teachers under the age of forty exceed 40%.

Secondo Massimiano Bucchi, professore di Scienza Tecnologia e Società all’Università di Trento e tra i curatori dell’Annuario Scienza e Società 2011, “il tema delle risorse umane, e in particolare della loro avanzata età media si conferma come un tema cruciale per la ricerca e l’innovazione in Italia, con un rischio di ‘scoraggiamento’ delle nuove generazioni. Non è forse un caso che gli italiani siano tra i meno convinti, in Europa, che un giovane interessato alla scienza abbia oggi maggiori opportunità di lavoro (47%, contro il 73% degli svedesi e una media europea del 58%)”.

He talks about journalism- and Zero Gravity

Ap Cellular Respiration Question

Chemistry is fun if you read the blog on scientific

Waiting to be able to have the logo official scientific , the blog hosting the Carnival of Chemistry this month adopted a design created by David P., a student of 3 rd B teacher and owner of the blog, Prof. Anna Ruberto.

This page edition number 2 del Carnevale della Chimica.

Ben 30 i blogger partecipanti e gli 47 articoli per una edizione che vuole accompagnare questa iniziativa lungo tutto il 2011 ( Anno Internazionale della Chimica ) e oltre.

La prossima edizione del Carnevale della Chimica sarà ospitata dal blog " Il chimico impertinente " dell'ottimo Paolo Gifh. Se volete partecipare contattatelo con il form che trovate in fondo alla pagina .

I Want To Sell Flowers - \u200b\u200bTime & Mind: a new benchmark for the tourism industry

A 20 anni dalla uscita del suo primo numero, dopo una continua attività che l’ha vista affrontare sempre i principali problemi the debates that have occurred over the years, makes its debut in the online community presenting a interactive platform dedicated professionals, experts and academia in the field of tourism , of cultural of regional marketing and related economies. is a collaborative effort Mercury Ltd, which since 1991 offers a service to companies and institutions for decision support 'or strategic stance in the tourism and cultural heritage , e Time and Mind , web agency specializzata nello sviluppo di strategie e progetti di comunicazione integrata on-line e off-line , web marketing e content management .

Il progetto parte dalla considerazione del ruolo fondamentale che la presenza online ha assunto durante gli ultimi anni, con la crescente necessità di disporre di una fonte di informazioni attendibili e di contribuire a valorizzare le risorse scientifiche mirate al settore turismo.

Si vuole anche che i contenuti presentati sulla piattaforma assumano una grande rilevanza anche a livello internazionale secondo principi di etica, accessibilità e professionalità; tali criteri debbono form the basis of business and research activities. portal offers the opportunity to stay updated on the most significant events in the field, download the free report as well as many e-commerce functionality to buy directly through articles and publications in digital format, and follow training seminars held by Emilio Becheri , one of the leaders in the field of tourism, responsible for Mercury Ltd and Professor of Economics Cultural Heritage at the University of Florence.

the age of the Internet tourist numbers come increasingly through decisions that are made online and offers operators and scholars in the field all the tools to decipher the trends through detailed studies and reliable.

Individual chapters of the "Report on Italian Tourism " (seventeenth edition in 2011), reference document for tourism policy and useful means of supporting the strategic choices of all actors, public and private, that operate directly or indirectly in the industry, and articles in business magazines, management and marketing Tourist "(XX years in 2011) can also be bought online, the most recent edition of the first publication. The section allows e-commerce customize your purchase to your needs study or business. From the archive you will see more field studies such as the Mediation Report Tourist , the system reports Spa and Wellness , the system reports Hospitality etc.

The current platform has to be seen in its experimental phase for which we accept proposals for improvement. Essential point of the platform is to enable a community of experts in the tourism and cultural assets free from any political and ideological conditioning and therefore able to define an approach that leads to problems and evaluate proposals for their intrinsic value, nel pieno rispetto delle diverse opinioni.

La piattaforma si presenta con varie sezioni fra le quali una sugli osservatori del turismo ed una dedicata all’e-commerce. La prima tenta di proporre una sintesi dei vari osservatori oggi esistenti, alcuni dei quali organizzati direttamente da Mercury Srl, la seconda si fonda sulla proposta di argomenti specifici facilmente reperibili sul sito con risparmio di costi e di tempi.

Saranno recepite e selezionate anche le notizie, le attività ed i riferimenti che ci saranno proposte da enti, istituzioni e centri di ricerca e di formazione del comparto.

Un innovativo sistema di e-learning agevolerà l’interazione tra utenti e il corpo docente Mercury Srl / to deepen skills and knowledge in the field of economy and tourism through courses in management and development of land management and corporate and seminars on topics like sustainable development, and marketing strategies on the web European funds.

The international nature of the topics covered, content presented, and the tourism industry itself are the main reason for the crucial next step in the path : expanding beyond the Italian borders. This will happen in early 2011 with the introduction of the online platform in English along with the opportunity to purchase a selection of articles from Magazine "Tourist" and "Report on Italian Tourism." Available in Italian and English, the portal will be expanded soon to other languages \u200b\u200bto widen the pool of potential users, with the ultimate goal of opening the doors to the international level by providing a professional look and analysis on some of the most distinctive aspects of Italy such as tourism and cultural heritage. is the first step of a "digital ecosystem " which will promote culture in the tourism sector through the dissemination of content online skilled and constantly updated.

Leslie Griffiths
Tel: 055 2302470
Via de 'Bardi, 39 50125 Florence
Lita Savoy
info @
Tel: 01119505938
Corso Svizzera, 185 10149 Torino

Monday, February 21, 2011

Difference Between Af And Pregnancy Symptoms

Top on Google: free course for companies in the province of Turin

Friday, February 25, 2011 will be held in the province of Turin deepening free for two hours institutions, entrepreneurs and professonisti, useful to learn the logic of the position at the head of the search engine (Google) of an asset or a website.

Has Anyone Taken Dhea

Nanotechnology and young Europeans

Now there's a plus for young Turin (but not only) that want to specialize in this discipline.

NANOYOU stands for Nanotechnology to youth, aimed particularly at young people aged between 11 and 25 to increase their knowledge of nanotechnology, but also encourage them and engage them in debates on ethical issues, legal and social issues.

The project, begun in 2009, and funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme is implemented by a partnership coordinated by the international educational center Ort Israel, and also includes European Schoolnet, the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre of Aarhus University, the Nanoscience Centre at Cambridge University and La Cité de La Science, Paris.

In Italy various schools have joined the initiative to become pilot schools, including, Tuscany, the Liceo Scientifico E. Majorana Capannori (Lu).

NANOYOU All material is distributed and licensed under a Creative Commons free download from the project .

He talks about innov'azione Journalism and

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cake Sayings For Baptism

Degree Honoris Causa to Rita Levi-Montalcini

Photo: Claudio Pasqua, Zero Gravity

The Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi-Montalcini receive from McGill University in Montreal (Canada) Honorary Doctorate Case of Science.

The ceremony will take place Wednesday ' February 23 in the Hall of the Academic Senate of the governing bodies and classroom-Rector of the University of Rome La Sapienza.

In the greeting of the opening is scheduled Provost Anthony Masi, McGill University. The eulogy will be delivered by the rector of the Roman Luigi Frati.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Long Dong Silva Movie

In Turin, the presentation of the annual Science and Society

Exits the Science and Society Yearbook 2011 with the Italians, science and digital technology and science in the Italian media.

The volume will premiere Wednesday, February 23, 2011, at 18:30, at the Circle of Readers Graneri of the Rock Palace, Via Bogino 9, Torino.

now in its seventh edition of the Yearbook Science and Society proposes, in a concise and accessible, an annotated collection of information and data from the most reliable national and international sources, useful to understand the state and the transformation of research and innovation in our society: human resources and investment, patents and use of new technologies, public orientation towards science, a chronology of major events that have marked the relationship between science and society in 2010, the volumes published on the subject during the year.
Once again, ample space devoted to the most recent trends in the relationship between science, media and public opinion: "The Italians, science and digital technologies. Science, technology and public opinion in Italy in 2010, "with new data Centre 's Science, Technology and Society," Science in the Italian media: trends and emerging issues',' Youth and scientific university ',' The cultures of the food in Italy and Europe. Perceptions, safety and role of research. "

Aldo Fasolo (Management Committee, Compagnia di San Paolo)

Massimiano Bucchi and Giuseppe Pellegrini (Observa Science in Society)

Speakers: Gabriele
Beccaria (Curator of TuttoScienzeTecnologia - La Stampa)
Luca De Biase (Nòva24 Manager - Il Sole 24 Ore)
Giuseppina De Santis (Management Committee, Society of San Paolo)

The book, published by Il Mulino and implemented with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo , will be available in all libraries by the end February or free for members Observa.

Read Press Office Observa: 0444 305454;

For previous editions of the Science and Society, please visit the Yearbook .


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wrist Bone Spur New Baby


Uno dei più famosi prodotti tipici del Piemonte è sicuramente il  PEPERONE DI CARMAGNOLA per cui il Ministero per le politiche agricole ha in corso l'istruttoria per il riconoscimento dell' Indicazione Geografica Protetta .
Grazie alla vocazione prettamente agricola della zona di Carmagnola il peperone viene coltivato in queste pianure fin dai primi anni del novecento. Nel secondo dopoguerra viene sviluppata in modo intensivo la coltura del peperone di Carmagnola grazie alle ottime rese che garantisce.

La produzione del peperone di Carmagnola è suddivisa in 4 differenti qualità: il Corno di bue (il lung), il Quadrato (il bragheis) dalla forma originale e dal sapore dolce, il Tumaticot e la Trottola.

Ogni anno a fine agosto si svolge a Carmagnola la sagra del peperone che vede la partecipazione di una grande quantità di persone.

Il peperone di Carmagnola è un ingradiante fondamentale della Bagna Caoda alla piemontese .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Gang Is Black Bandana

you would like Google were to provide a free guide on optimizing search engines?

This guide exists, and you can download it from here to be first on Google .

Google also provides various tools and tips for optimizing the pages of its business and allow you to get the top positions.

Even if you decide not to implement these suggestions, Google recommends you pay special attention to the "Quality Guidelines," which outline some of the illicit practices that may involve the site being removed entirely from Google's index or otherwise penalized. If a site has been penalized, it may no longer show on Google or any Google partner site.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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[Free books for punx]
Joseph Bucalo - Dictionary anti-psychiatric. Exploration and travel through the madness (1997)
[Pep] Joseph Bucalo is among the most unscrupulous Italian psychiatric thinkers. Radicalism of his theoretical work, aimed at producing a full cultural legitimacy of insanity, understood as a vector and a factor in a revolution that broadens sommuova and physical spaces, relational and cognitive led him to advocate a revolutionary vision that sets out the impracticality of anthropological discrimination between reason and madness is in the mind that in that society. This volume, the Kalashnikov Collective Headquarter offers its readers an excellent introduction to the thought of Bucalo: the author, sinking roots of the discourse on the one hand in her experiences of psychiatric operator in Sicily and the consequent daily disturbing, relationship with madness, and the other teachers in the criticism of psychiatric knowledge and practice (by David Cooper to Thomas Szasz, Ronald Laing Aaron Esterson), is the subject of psychiatry of a controversy that, along with an ethical and a legal side face includes a void in the conceptual foundations. At the same time a decisive refutation of segregation and coercion psychiatric therapy in all its forms, then takes a devastating attack Bucalo to psychiatry as a pseudo-science (with particular reference to the controversial psychiatric ramifications of nineteenth-century positivism of Wilhelm Griesinger) and focuses the fundamental scientific artifact (the "mental illness"), as dangerous to individual rights as well functional all'assetto Name: Joseph Bucalo thus comes to formulate his overwhelming position that psychiatry is incompatible with freedom of thought. The latter can not live with a knowledge that psychiatry, which disqualified as pathological opinions and perceptions rather than merit a radical and should be legitimate objects of discussion in a free society that protects the diversity and indeed the 'otherness between prejudice its citizens: it is' through the grasping of this invisibilizzata and unresolved contradiction of liberal society that takes Bucalo controversially distances, while recognizing the historical merits, but from adjacent strands less radical than the critique of psychiatry, which reads as merely reformist, walking like few others on the path of continued risky and upsetting, affect trade with the infernal regions of the madness and made taboo.

>>> anti-psychiatric download dictionary [ITA]. Pdf (4.96 mb).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Which Candles Last Longer Scented Or Unscented?


E 'out of the rankings Blog Wikio the month of February.

Among the most significant blog include:

THE POST - this month that exceeds the length of some blog of Beppe Grillo also BlogBabe the

GRAVITY 'ZERO , Blog and dissemination of scientific information

LIVING , international desgin magazine

ROTTA A SUDOVEST , Spagna e mondo sudamericano

TRAVELBLOG , viaggi e altro

Tutte le classifiche a questa pagina .

Patch No Cd Age Of Empire Ii


Questo salume tipico della provincia di Cuneo ha un nome molto particolare: Bale d'aso, infatti in piemontese significa " palle d'asino". Non ridete, il nome fa riferimento alla forma dell'insaccato, appunto tondeggiante e composti da carne d'asino.
L'aspetto esteriore è simile a quello del cotechino e sono uno dei prodotti tipici del Piemonte.

Le "bale d'Aso" proviene dai dintorni di Mondovì e nasce nel paese di Monastero di Vasco. Anticamente le bale d'aso venivano prodotte esclusivamente con carne d'asino, ma poi la scarsità di questo animale ha costretto i produttori a tagliare l'insaccato con altre carni. Oggi vengono macinate grossolanamente le carni suina, bovina e d'asino, vino rosso, sale, pepe. Le bale d'aso vengono poi insaccate in cotenna vaccina, si consumano fresche solitamente lesse come il cotechino.

Visita spesso il nostro blog   per scoprire sempre nuovi   prodotti tipici del Piemonte.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Moving Dreamweaver From One Mac To Another

Toma Piemontese

La toma piemontese è un prodotto di origine protetta riconosciuto anche a livello europeo dal 1996.

Formaggio molto antico, sembra che impasti simili a quello della toma piemontese si usassero già in epoca Roman and then in the eleventh century, especially among the poorest.

This typical Piedmontese cheese is produced with cow's milk or partly skimmed milk.
the Toma Piemontese is a soft cheese and semi-hard, the taste is sweet and fragrant.
The DOP provides that is produced in the provinces of Novara, Vercelli, Biella, Turin, Cuneo and towns of Asti and Alessandria.
Maturation takes place in the features "Crot" (the old wine cellars) and can vary from 15 to 60 days depending on the size of the forms.

Over the years they were born different variations of the Piedmontese Toma (Toma di Lanzo, Susa Toma, Toma Ormea, Toma Biella, Toma Boves, etc.). But all of these cheeses are based, however, the original mixture.

is active since 2003 the Consortium of Toma Piemontese cheese whose aim is to protect and spread the knowledge of this product typical of the Piedmont.

Visit our blog often to discover more new typical products Piemonte.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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THREAD kissed

fillet kissing is one of the typical products of Piedmont .
is produced starting from 800 in Bormida Valley in the province of Alessandria, in particular in the country of Ponzone.
The main feature of the thread to be kissed and made up of a whole, let the pork marinate in a brine with different flavors for at least a week. Kissed thread is then wrapped with a mixture similar to that of the sausage mixture from pork fat and minced.
is aged between 60 and 90 days. Like the salami is eaten thinly sliced \u200b\u200band has a delicate aroma.

often Visit our blog to discover more new typical of the Piedmont.

Toddler Thirsty All The Time



I gianduiotti giandujotti or chocolates are typical of Turin.
The name of this chocolate is an example of pre-marketing its time. It was 1865 when a famous chocolate factory Turin use the form typical of the Carnival of Turin, Gianduja to present his new chocolate.
The composition of this typical product of Piemonte ha una sua storia, sembra infatti che in quei tempi vi fu una scarsità di cacao. Purtroppo però il cioccolato era ormai molto cercato dai torinesi e dai Piemontesi in genere. Nacque l'idea di sostituire una parte del cioccolato con la nocciola tonda gentile delle Langhe .

Venne così creato un sapore unico, con una forte identità piemontese, che si può trovare oggi anche nella più famosa crema spalmabile al cioccolato, prodotta da una nota azienda di Alba, ma anche nella famosa Torta Gianduja . Alla base di queste ricette c'è sempre l'abbinamento caratteristico tra il  cioccolato  e also the source of hazelnuts gianduitto.

The triangular shape is traditionally gianduiotto and was the first chocolate to be packed.

Even Andy Warhol had the opportunity to sing the praises of giandujotti, fabulous typical of the Piedmont.