Friday, January 14, 2011

Masterbation Encouragment

Antinuclear / Radicals: if we lived in a democracy rather than in a Regmi, Italians confirm the anti-nuclear referendum 24 years ago


Declaration Nathalie Pisano (Radical Association secretary Adelaide Aglietta) and Giulio Manfredi (Vice-Chairman Committee National Italian Radicals):

If there will be no early elections, Italian citizens will be asked to vote by mid-June also on the anti-nuclear referendum, promoted by Italy of Values. If in Italy there was a public information is not subservient to party politics, and if the private networks in Italy were not available for 95% of the Prime Minister, known to be pro-nuclear, and if, ultimately, we live in a democracy instead of a system, we are sure that Italian citizens by voting "yes' to the repeal of the rules on construction of new nuclear power plants in Italy, to reaffirm the" NO to nuclear " espresso dall’80% di loro nel 1987, 24 anni fa, sull’onda del disastro di Cernobil (i cui effetti, giova ricordarlo, i cittadini ucraini, e non solo, pagano ancora oggi).

Vivendo, invece, in un regime, chiediamo: quanti milioni di euro ha investito finora il “Forum nucleare italiano” in spot televisivi e intere pagine sui quotidiani? Quanti milioni di euro intende spendere nei prossimi mesi? Continuerà a volersi spacciare come indipendente e obiettivo o, finalmente, tirerà giù la maschera e si rivelerà per quello che effettivamente è (basta andare sul sito e vedere chi sono i soci del forum), lo strumento con cui le multinazionali dell’atomo intendono dupe of Italian citizens, trying to convince them that the nuclear option is not anti-historical, expensive and dangerous?

Meanwhile, now, need to strengthen the anti-nuclear committee should be set up in Piedmont and other (transverse and nonviolent) in all regions involved in the nuclear program of the government.


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