Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Laura Gemser Emmanuelle

[Free music for punx]
ROCK THE SOVIET! Histories of Soviet-era rock.
[PUJ] It 'a bit' and to gladden my gray days I devote myself to the discovery of Soviet k
pun. With results of great solace and satisfaction!
Approaching the history of the genre, the first co
know you notice is that the spread of punk in the Soviet Union was followed by dynamic entirely their own, so much so that until the late 80s, except for some sporadic and bizarre exceptions, in Russia there were no groups and categorized with punk. Strange, considering that in the countries you tto insos pettabili (up from of America to South Africa, including those behind the Iron Curtain as Poland, Czechoslovakia, DDR ... ), there was a punk scene since the end 70s; less strange if we reflect on inquisitorial climate and the closure of Russia's cultural Brezhnev (and the interregnum which preceded Perestroika ), Which not only opposed the spread of punk culture (wound up as a sign of the decade nza malpractice and capitalists), but made his difficult Nare to each form of music c he could be branded as "rock" enough p Ensar in 1985, was initiated by Chernenko an "Anti-Rock Country " that led to the banning of 41 Russian rock bands! Punk, in this climate, because of the impossibility of accessing the discs Western, it was more a myth than a genre.
was close to the 90 nni, due to political change and cultural Gorbachev, who created the space within which they could freely roll round or pseudo-punk rock bands that knew true then spread in the post-Soviet era. In fact, e ra of Glasnost (the " transparency", a policy of breaking with the authoritarian Stalinist era Brezhnev, who had, however, we a, significant responsibility in the collapse of the Soviet system) disappeared almost entirely the relentless criticism of the previous years and the State encouraged the flourishing of artistic realities previously unthinkable. These were the years of so idetta "Tusovka", a kind of Soviet new wave, covering all the artistic and cultural environment of the country. Then in '91 the Soviet Union imploded and everything changed radically.
Only much later, in capitalist Russia of the late 90's, but we can speak of a true punk / hc diy modeled on
western band with styles influenced by Europeans and Americans, and incorporated into the circuit diy . world. Unfortunately, the current punk / hc Russian diy diy or not, is too busy to meticulously copy the way of clothes and gene re western music, to reflect sulla ricchezza musicale del proprio passato. All'insegna degli effetti livellanti e omologanti della globailizzazione, pare che, per i giovani russi degli anni zero, più una band assomiglia, in tutto e per tutto, a qualche sfigato gruppo occidentale, meglio é. Tutto il mondo ormai é paese, e questo paese si chiama Mtv.
Sta di fatto che negli anni '80, durante il regime comunista, un po' per l’isolamento culturale, un po' per la scarsità di mezzi, un po' per il fiato del KGB sul collo, la scena musicale russa ha visto nascere grandi gruppi dallo stile unico (presoch
é sconosciuti in occidente), protagonisti di storie avventurose come quelle che seguono...

[Rock the Soviet! part 1]
A vtomaticheskie Satisfactory (P roto-punk, Leningrado) - claims will be accepted (anthology 1979 - 1994)
[Puj] Il nonno di tutt ii punk russi é probabilment e Andrev Panov, il fond atore degli Automatic Удовлетворители (abbreviated AU), proto-punk band Leningrad.
Struck by the news that somewhere in the West there was an irreverent group called the Sex Pistols, the nineteen Andrev decided in eastern
ate in 1979 to set up a rock band whose name would be the translation, more om wine faithful to the Sex Pistols . Unfortunately, perhaps due to linguistic misunderstandings, found no better than "I satisfied automatically " (?).
Panov, at the time, working
go to a music store in Leningrad that was (and still is, the original name di San Pietroburgo) la città della Russia più sogge tta all'influsso occidentale, consideratane la posizione ai bordi dell'impero sovietico.
I componenti della band, come da tradizione punk, si diediero altisonanti nomignoli offensivi: Andrev era "il Suino", poi c'érano "Pinochet", "Il Fruscìo" e "Rabbioso". Panov era un personaggio provocatorio e selvaggio, un vero Jonnhy Rotten comunista, per il quale il punk non aveva nulla di politico, ma era solo provocazione estetica e rifiuto della tradizione musicale sovietica. Gli A.U., a differenza di molti altri gruppi punk connazionali, si cimentavano infatti in un hard-rock molto poco russo, che ricorda piuttosto certe proto-punk bands West. The first
but the band's public performance was held in 1980 at a club in the city, on the occasion of the birthday of Andrey Tropillo record producer, talent scout underground and official record of state (Melodiya - naturally 'the only record company in Russia with Unistar). Obviously, this first exhibition of the AU not to Panov and co yielded a record deal, but the opening of a dossier dedicated to them in the archives of the KGB. 81 AU's were invited by a young Artemy Troitsky (known agitator of the Soviet underground) to Moscow for a series of concerts secrets wrapped by a halo of legend, then silence until the end of 82 when the band began to make occasional appearances in private homes and then actually broke up. Moreover, in the mid 80s the government would not tolerate more performances by rock bands in places that were not official state clubs. Until 1987, therefore the AU was a ghost and a group name in the lists of the secret police, rather than a real musical reality. Only in the years of Gorbachev's glasnost, the band went out into the open, recording discs, participating in festivals and television broadcasts, but never get a major achievement. Panov died of peritonitis in 1998 and the AU and followed him to the grave.
Qui sotto, un'antologia dei Soddisfatori Automatici che raccoglie materiale dal 1979 al 1994, originariamente pubblicata in doppia cassetta negli anni '90. Qulache titolo significativo? " Nonsenso ", " Risata
", " Cagna " e " Ubriachezza ".

>>> Download
A vtomaticheskie Satisfactory - 1979-1994: The claims are not accepted album in .mp3 (.rar - 143 mb.)

[Rock the Soviet! part 2]
Жанна Агу
зарова и Браво ! - (pop-rock, Mosca) - 10 (LP 1983-1984)
[Puj] Ne
gli anni ’80, anche personaggi oggi appartenenti allo star system russo, come la cantante Zhanna Aguzarova, ebbero grossi problemi co N the law and were branded as political agitators. Zhanna Aguzarova was the singer of a group's wing pop-called Bravo! between 83 and 89.
listening to the records of Bravo! you can not believe that behind those sugary piece of music from dance hall could conceal a threat to the state. As if we have rich and poor or Loredana Berté were regarded as dangerous dissidents!
Zhanna went to the Moscow audience illegal rock concert in December 1983, when the Br
grandfather! ro held their first concert in the old disco or the Velodrome. At the time, Zhanna emancipated himself off to the Moscow artist named Ivan Anders, medical student and daughter of Russian diplomats in New York. In reality, Ivana / Zhanna was modest family, was born in the desert near Uzbekistan adolescence and had lived in Siberia, in the Tyumen region (See locations on the map and tremble ).
Driven by the desire to become a famous actress, she left everything and fled to Moscow. Without
doc ument without propiska (a kind of residence permit of Stalinist Russia) and without work, Zhanna had borrowed from a passport that Ivan Anders, we have added an A and had his picture, and if the was held. Had become so Ivana An Sanders. Si era poi cucita addosso una vita di brillante studentessa del tutto inventata, n on t anto per evitare guai co n la legge, quanto per non essere additata come Limitchitsa , ovvero campagnola immigrata e parassita, secondo il termine moscovita fortemente denigratorio. In realtà Zhanna era nu llafacente, il che nella Russia sovietica era considerato un reato.
Dopo un anno trascorso a bighellonare per la capitale, Ivana/Zhanna entrò nel gruppo dei Bravo!, una band di jazz-rock easy-listening piuttosto ordinaria, ma tremendamente vivace rispetto agli standard un po' lugubri e seriosi del rock illegale russo. Il successo underground del gruppo fu immediato and, of course, attracted the attention of the KGB and the team of anti-rock DEPARTMENT to the Interior. So much so that the sec ondo concert Bravo! in a club in the capital, ebb and a sad ending, that the same Zhanna tells us: " We held a concert in our club, what or where facev love tests. It was a very small room, pe r three hundred people, but people were much more . They told me then that the touts had sold a thousand tickets, at least half of which were false. We knew nothing of all this, but of course the famous aunt came to the right people. came upon sixty and fifty militia men in civilian clothes. said it was the largest operation of its kind ever made. They surrounded the club with a double string so that no one could escape, then invaded the know. I was singing on stage when suddenly I saw men in uniform me get off ominously Spread across the crowd. In the end, came on stage stopped everything, took all those that came within range, they threw them in trucks and took them to the police station lla area. There they recorded their confessions - the type where they had got tickets, as they had been paid and so on - then let them go. Requisitioned too tt and photographic film. We also arrested and interrogated us separately. The boys were terrified, tried to calm them down. I kept saying, "No fear, we have not done anything! Non-confessional things you did not do." I know these bastards: they try to get people to confess what they want ... . "After those events in M \u200b\u200b Oscan rock concerts were held only n secretly in private homes.

The cult of the Bravo! in both growing and with it the poblem of ' Aguzarova with the law. In 1984 turned up the poor Ivan Anders claimed that his passport. Fang agreed to meet him, to give it back.
The event, organized in a subway station in Moscow, turned out to be a trap: a few days earlier, Ivan had been found by the police without DOCUME
nts and had immediately confessed to them Aguzarova data. As the two met the s, emerged dozens of militants and arrested Zhanna. She was taken to the militia station of Piazza Pu skin (notorious to all the punks and the hippies Moscow) Butyrki then in prison. S ol after the arrest, the band mates were aware of the true identity of the singer!
At trial, the court
the b ol as a naive girl , unconscious and not at all dangerous. He was then released into the seven mbre 1984 and returned home in Siberia. A Tyumen was given a job in a sawmill nearby: closed twelve hours a day in a control room, was to measure the length and diameter of logs cut. Zhanna in 1986 managed to return to Moscow, less naive, less wild, but also determined. This time, got to grips with the bureaucracy, he managed to (more or less ) in good standing. Taking advantage of the cultural climate more favorable, led the Bravo! the success to become an Icon of the years of P erestrojka , attracting the attention of Brian Eno , who went close to produce a disc. Today is an eccentric lady comp letamente Sbrocca, famous throughout Russia as the queen of kitsch. The timing of his (semi-unconscious) political dissent are far away ...
Below you can download a retrospective of Bravo!
which collects their first things dating back to the period '83-'84: pop songs of swing, rockabilly and reggae with innocuous titles like " Yellow Shoes," "Black Cat " e " Leningrado Rock'n'Roll ".

>>> Download Bravo ! In Oct. (1983-1984) album in. Mp3 (. Rar - 82 mb.)

[Rock the Soviet! part 3]
Civil Defence (anarcopunk, Siberia) -
Optimism (Lp 1985)
[Puj] Dopo il rock melenso dei Bravo!, passiamo a cose ben più serie. Si é detto che il punk in Russia, almeno come noi siamo abituati ad immaginarlo, forse non é mai esistito. Fa eccezione una celebr e, incredibile band: i Grazhdanskaya Oborona .
Per scovare l’unico vero gruppo punk anarchico, clandestino e d.i.y. di epoca sovietica occorre abbandonare la russia occidentale delle avanguardie culturali ed inoltrarci verso est, nella provincia dell'Impero: in Siberia, a migliaia di chilometri dalla capitale (lontano da orecchie troppo indiscrete), sorse infatti quella che potremo definire, secondo i nostri canoni, una vera e priopria scena punk underground, capitanata dalla figura di Yegor Letov (il primo left in photo) and his
Grazhdanskaya Oborona , which for some years is a true legend of rock n clandesti o. The Гражданская Оборона ("Civil Defense", also known by the diminutive ГрОб, that in Russian means "coffin") was formed in Omsk around 1984 by Yegor Letovice and Konstantin Ryabinov previously involved in the musical project called Posev ("Seed") with whom he performed from time to time in the subway Omsk. Because of t esti fiercely anti-government Letovice, the KGB did not take long to get on the trail of ГрОб who meanwhile had recorded some tapes that circulated like samizdat (or rather, as magnitizdat ) among young Siberians. Recorded material in a precarious position, in secret, with makeshift tools.
Letovice In 1985 he was picked up by police and locked in a mental hospital. A fate shared by many cultural agitators of Soviet Russia if considered very dangerous by the authorities. Letovice underwent a therapy with neuroleptics that gli procurò danni alla vista; paragonò la sua esperienza nell'ospedale psichiatrico a " quanto di più simile alla morte potessi immaginare ". Fuggito dall'ospedale, Letov si gettò anima e corpo nella band scrivendo e registrando una montagna di materiale che sarà poi ordinato e pubblicato negli anni successivi e andrà a comporre l'infinita discografia dell'unico, grande, autentico gruppo anarchico della russia sovietica.
Il nome di Yegor Letov compare in altri progetti musicali che hanno coinvolto dissidenti siberiani, come la band della cantautrice Yanka Diagileva , morta suicida a 24 anni, e la folk-punk band Spinki Menta, che registrò due nastri tra l'87 e l'88. The Siberian punk is also known as "punk existentialist " because it united a sloppy and cynical music, poetry and characterized from a bottom of despair.

Of Grazhdanskaya Oborona after the beautiful "Armageddon -pops" have long been available on this blog, we propose to the disk "Оптимизм ( Optimism), that present lie some of the band's first recordings, made in 1985, before indoor Letovice. The fascination (at least on me) and sercitano the pieces of this disc is indescribable! The appalling quality of the recording, the guitar sounds a mosquito, his voice distorted, Letovice, execution errors, the ruined sections of tape hiss and speak clearly exaggerated the conditions of insecurity and despair clandest init in which these songs were recorded i. The beginning of "Я бесполезен " ("And ' useless," the opening track) is striking: one minute of laconic bass notes interrupted by the cacophonous, stabbing input guitar and voice. The devilish grin Letovice introduces the nno lopsided, messy and out of tune.
It 'hard to imagine how and why Letovice,
the fall of the Soviet regime, having devoted her life to ridicule the Soviet nomenklatura and have embodied the inspiration of rebellion of thousands of young Russians, both have become nostalgic for Communism and a fervent nationalist, so as to assist with the birth of the National-Bolshevik Party, a strange formation with policy positions of both extreme right and left estremna (...), which now has about ten thousand enrolled in p OUNTRY. Now you can not tell more because chidere Yegor greeted us forever, in 2008, just 43 years, struck by a heart attack in his sleep ...

>>> Download
Civil Defence - Optimizm! in. mp3 (. rar - 41 mb.)

[Rock the Soviet! part 4]
Mongol Shuudan (Anarcopunk?, Mosca) - Steam-Anarchy (LP - 1989)
[Puj] Tra il sound edulcorato dei Bravo! e il feroce anarcopunk di Letov, esisteva in Russia una scena rock non catalogabile come pop né come autenticamente punk, nel senso più trasgressivo del termine: rock-bands poco inclini ad allinearsi ai canoni richiesti dall'industria discografica sovietica, ma nemmeno così radicali come i Grazhdanskaya Oborona .
A questa categoria appartengono i grandi
Монгол Шуудан (Servizio Postale Mongolo) di Alexey Nikishin (foto, recente). Formatisi a Mosca, pubblicarono il loro esordio nel 1989, nell'Ussr meno opprimente dell'era Gorbaciov. " Паровоз-Анархия " (che tradotto s uona something like "Anarcho- locomotive") is a broken-down hard, but inevitably evocative: the usual mix of punk more by chance than by choice, lopsided reggae, rock and traditional music indifferent, which miraculously works. The music of
Монгол Шуудан evokes sublime visions: the concrete barracks on the outskirts of Soviet cities, the statues of Lenin in the streets deserted, the old-fashioned clothes of young Russians at the time, concerts abuses in the back restaurants ... Songs that seem to be composed of amateur musicians who have learned to play on some terrible cheesy hard rock and came from the West. Great! The Монгол Шуудан still exist today, but I do not recommend them: they are now a bit older rockers' imbolsiti. Not to discriminate against the old rocker imbolsiti (perhaps we ourselves in a few years ...), but nothing to do with the fascination that young people could esercitre Монгол Шуудан '80s, bands that anti-government spread anarchist ideas with their own songs and self-proclaimed reincarnation of the revolutionary insurrection Ukraine!

We open a parenthesis ... The Revolyutsionnaya Povstancheskaya Armiya Ukrainy also known as the Black Army, or, familiarly, Makhnovščina , named after its leader, the anarchist Nestor Makhno was a militia volunteer who fought in Ukraine at the time of the Revolution (1918-1921) against c hiunque wanted to get their hands on the homeland: the Austro-German hi initially targeted by guerrilla warfare, the Tsarist 's anti-Bolshevik White Army of Denikin Anton (who defeated ), the Bolsheviks EVIC 's Red Army , that ultimately had the better of them and made to order massacre Leon Trotsky.
The Makhno anarchists defend and propagate a radical vision of social anarchism, claimed a total DISMANTLIN ent authority, and were famous for the posters that afflict the villages in which they entered: "The freedom of the peasants and workers belongs to them and not be subject to any restrictions. It is up to the workers and peasants themselves to act, organize, understand each other, in all areas of their lives, as they themselves think and want [...]. Makhnovists I can only help them by giving them this or that opinion or advice [...] . But they can not and will not, under any circumstances, govern. "
During the civil war, with Makhno and his many lands were stolen from the large landowners and venn
was entirely handed over to the laborers that implement the ' self-management. The parable (which ended in the blood) dell'Arma Ukrainian Black, like all events of the movement "losers" of history, is still little known and studied, but undoubtedly represents one of the most interesting moments in the history of anarchism in the twentieth century !

Tornando ai Монгол Шуудан, tale era la loro identificazione con la Makhnovščina , che molti dei loro brani erano in realtà versioni rock delle canzoni anarchiche della guerra civile russa. Forse fu proprio questo loro essere anarchici più in senso storico-filologico che politico a preservarli dalle attenzioni del Kgb.
I Монгол Шуудан si formarono nel 1987 e pubblicarono una lunghissima serie di dischi (non ancora interrottasi), tra altri e bassi, over the years. Despite the elapsed time, have never abandoned their faith libertarian, as evidenced by a recent disc devoted entirely to their anarchist Kropotkin or as a recent album titled "The property is theft."
Below, their first album, the aforementioned "Anarcho- locomotive, which unlike the later is more wild and spontaneous, although suggestive, and even more full of inaccuracies and nonsense mix of choices. Large pieces like ведение (Maintenance), Продразверстка (Ownership of surplus), Commissioner (Commissario), Anarchist Battalion (Battaglione anarchico), Song of the black anarchist (Canzone dell'Armata Nera Anarchica), Grenade (Granata). Il mio preferito é l'inno alla diserzione
anarchy Mama (Mamma Anarchia) : " Ehi ma ', un fendente a destra, uno a sinistra, sulla mia testa, che sta succedendo? Uno sparo, e un altro soldato é fottuto. Pull down all the flags, I say you can. I'm the chief of the Cossacks! Fuck your ranks, our storm will split in two! But suddenly the guards meet Kazakh, or mother, help me! Anarchy Mama, Mama Anarchia! I do not know what I'm fighting for, I just know that if I take this will be my fault! Mama Anarchia! In the melee, I killed the captain, oh, well, let me fuck you! The red army is dispersed into the night ... but can be any color, so we feel your scent out there! The Cossacks ride ... oh mama, autami I do not know what they want, I just know that if I take this will be my mistake ... Mama Anarchia! Mama Anarchia! .
The album cover is horrible, but reproduces the image printed on old Mongolian Post stamps SERVING, which is also the name of the group, and then at least makes sense.

>>> Download Монгол Шуудан - Паровоз Анархия album. mp3 (. Rar - 50 mb.)


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