[Fre music for punx]
MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE (Anarcho-hip-hop Moscow, Russia) - Demo (DIY 2010)
[PUJ] As part of the music inspired by anarchist diy, eco-radical, anti-capitalist, etc.., t is rovano great things even (for once!) away from the classic sounds punk / hc.
For example: the Moscow Brigade of Death. Name quietante, as disturbing and Russia are talking about the pieces of this hip-hop collective from anarchist and antifascist and Moscow: " In the texts of our songs will not find nobody here rambling on clubs, drugs, whores, brands of athletic shoes and how become a real gangster, but only stories related to the reality in which we live - the reality of modern Russia, with its poverty, its corruption, police brutality, drug users and children with bloody ethnic conflicts. A situation in which hordes of neo-Nazis could commit murder on the street in broad daylight, and have the consent of the government. A situation in which a concert or hardcore hip-hop can result in a brutal assault by police or their Fascist puppets. A world where survival is difficult iver and above remain true to themselves. The members of the Moscow Death Brigade just want to express their views on the problems of society in which they live and serve as an example of solidarity in the fight against common enemies. They take part in many social initiatives, direct action anti-facist, Food Not Bombs and mobilization campaigns against police violence and state oppression. Organizes benefit concerts in support of political prisoners, attvisti anti-fascists and radical eco-... The Moscow Death Brigade was started by people involved in the scene punk / hc Moscow, the Moscow concert of Death Brigade in the former USSR are usually accompanied by visits of police in riot gear, from bomb threats at the hands of the Nazis and other fun stuff .. ..
We are not new to hip-hop in Russia (we posted a beautiful album Искусство Души Безобразной , recovered by chance during our tour there), but this seems one of the most certain of the scene. It seems that hip-hop has a history already rather long in Russia in the 90s, as a kind of unknown, it is common to scale the heights of the charts. Today in the ex-Soviet republics, there are a ton of hip-hop, but as always is not easy to find projects, political leanings, with instances libertarian and anti-fascist in a musical reality as that of hip-hop at all latitudes half is devoted to the business the most vulgar and the other to the propaganda of prejudice idiots.
To learn more about the kind we get help from a brilliant blogger Russian " Well, among the hip-hop antagonists are the Cuesta La Vida Libertades who are anarcho-communists, Marxists have instead Ebalance tradizionalisti; poi abbiamo gli anarco-primitivisti Apocalypse Culture e gli Entexnau, che pare facciano hip-hop satanico (?). I migliori però sono i Moscow Death Brigade - prosegue - che sono anarchici, vengono dal giro punk/hc e purtroppo non hanno prodotto molto. Preferiscono la qualità alla quantità! I MDB sono tra i pochi gruppi a parlare schiettamente di una serie di problemi che negli ultimi vent'anni hanno reso il nostro paese un posto davvero poco piacevole nel quale vivere, parlo dei problemi sociali, del consumismo, della brutalità poliziesca, della violenza nelle strade e della diffusione delle tendenze scioviniste nei paesi post-sovietici. Loro non hanno paura di dire la verità nei loro testi, e trasmettere la speranza per a real social change. Their song "Until the end" says: "Be true to yourself and your actions in this world full of chaos, go ahead bravely. There is no chance that stand up to the end. The Moscow Death Brigade keeps alive the flame in the hearts ...".
In the former USSR, among other things, we have another little problem called "Nazi-Rap." No, I'm not kidding. There are people who try to rap for whites only "and shit like that, which unfortunately is becoming increasingly popular. At first we thought it was bullshit, but today there are hundreds of Nazi hip-hop fans in Russia ... Fortunately, however, is still the hip hop anti-racist to prevail in these parts ... . Uh, speriamo...
For example: the Moscow Brigade of Death. Name quietante, as disturbing and Russia are talking about the pieces of this hip-hop collective from anarchist and antifascist and Moscow: " In the texts of our songs will not find nobody here rambling on clubs, drugs, whores, brands of athletic shoes and how become a real gangster, but only stories related to the reality in which we live - the reality of modern Russia, with its poverty, its corruption, police brutality, drug users and children with bloody ethnic conflicts. A situation in which hordes of neo-Nazis could commit murder on the street in broad daylight, and have the consent of the government. A situation in which a concert or hardcore hip-hop can result in a brutal assault by police or their Fascist puppets. A world where survival is difficult iver and above remain true to themselves. The members of the Moscow Death Brigade just want to express their views on the problems of society in which they live and serve as an example of solidarity in the fight against common enemies. They take part in many social initiatives, direct action anti-facist, Food Not Bombs and mobilization campaigns against police violence and state oppression. Organizes benefit concerts in support of political prisoners, attvisti anti-fascists and radical eco-... The Moscow Death Brigade was started by people involved in the scene punk / hc Moscow, the Moscow concert of Death Brigade in the former USSR are usually accompanied by visits of police in riot gear, from bomb threats at the hands of the Nazis and other fun stuff .. ..
We are not new to hip-hop in Russia (we posted a beautiful album Искусство Души Безобразной , recovered by chance during our tour there), but this seems one of the most certain of the scene. It seems that hip-hop has a history already rather long in Russia in the 90s, as a kind of unknown, it is common to scale the heights of the charts. Today in the ex-Soviet republics, there are a ton of hip-hop, but as always is not easy to find projects, political leanings, with instances libertarian and anti-fascist in a musical reality as that of hip-hop at all latitudes half is devoted to the business the most vulgar and the other to the propaganda of prejudice idiots.
To learn more about the kind we get help from a brilliant blogger Russian " Well, among the hip-hop antagonists are the Cuesta La Vida Libertades who are anarcho-communists, Marxists have instead Ebalance tradizionalisti; poi abbiamo gli anarco-primitivisti Apocalypse Culture e gli Entexnau, che pare facciano hip-hop satanico (?). I migliori però sono i Moscow Death Brigade - prosegue - che sono anarchici, vengono dal giro punk/hc e purtroppo non hanno prodotto molto. Preferiscono la qualità alla quantità! I MDB sono tra i pochi gruppi a parlare schiettamente di una serie di problemi che negli ultimi vent'anni hanno reso il nostro paese un posto davvero poco piacevole nel quale vivere, parlo dei problemi sociali, del consumismo, della brutalità poliziesca, della violenza nelle strade e della diffusione delle tendenze scioviniste nei paesi post-sovietici. Loro non hanno paura di dire la verità nei loro testi, e trasmettere la speranza per a real social change. Their song "Until the end" says: "Be true to yourself and your actions in this world full of chaos, go ahead bravely. There is no chance that stand up to the end. The Moscow Death Brigade keeps alive the flame in the hearts ...".
In the former USSR, among other things, we have another little problem called "Nazi-Rap." No, I'm not kidding. There are people who try to rap for whites only "and shit like that, which unfortunately is becoming increasingly popular. At first we thought it was bullshit, but today there are hundreds of Nazi hip-hop fans in Russia ... Fortunately, however, is still the hip hop anti-racist to prevail in these parts ... . Uh, speriamo...
>>> Download MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE demo in .mp3 (.rar - 28 mb.)
[M anifestazione antifascista a Mosca, indetta il 4 novembre 2009. Lo scopo del presidio era anche quello di informare i moscoviti che l'Amministrazione aveva concesso ad un gruppo di estrema destra di organizzare un concerto quella sera. Il presidio si é concluso con un'esibizione dei Moscow Death Brigade ].
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