Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chance Of Guessing A Safe Combination


Martedì 1 febbraio alle ore 17 si terrà, presso l'Aula Magna del Rettorato dell'Università degli Studi di Torino, la prima conferenza del ciclo Il secolo della Scienza . Lo sviluppo del sapere scientifico in Piemonte dall'Unità d'Italia a metà Novecento , Organized by ' Academy of Sciences jointly with the Inter-University Centre Agora Science.

Vincenzo Ferrone and Carlo Augusto Viano will discuss the theme Development of knowledge and positivist culture.

cycle of meetings will be held mainly at the Great Hall of the Rector of the University of Turin (access from Via Verdi 8). Please check each event on the conference venue.

Subsequent meetings are:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ear Blocked Ringing After Swimming

[Free music for punx]
The free-rock British politician between hippie and punk era (1975-1982). Wow!
[PUJ] To the English punk was discussed ad nauseam: stacks of books, monographs, photographic exhibitions, para-sociological studies ... Enough! We stay in England, we are in the late '70s, but we are talking about a different music scene, always d 'inspiration anarcho-libertarian: the hippie free-rock! Sit, sordid can n x anointed with the jacket! Of this around music (and not only n) orbital between jazz and free-form experimentation, survived the season creative 60s, were also key figures in the English anarchist punk as Penny Rimbaud and Gee Vaucher of Crass. In the early '70s
Rimbaud ina ny Ugur a collective musical / theater named Exit (the direction that was expected would take the public access to the gold concerts, as Penny says the same): "Exit The project had a very anti-music and inspired by what was happening in America the free-jazz and Europe with the avant-garde: it was "anti-form." Until then, you could say that the music had a certain form, as to the Cubism art had a certain kind of figurative form . The EXIT - says Penny - were un'operazio them guerrilla tactics. It usually present somewhere and we played without being invited. Of course we had no the ambition nor the desire to enter the commercial world of music ...". The Exit
you with the letting in a no man's land between the progressive-rock explosion of the early '70s the punk end of '70: a scenario that has seen waving are many other investigators (pre-punk or post-hippie) of the underground British radical characters and an arcoidi like Genesis P. Orridge and Cosey Fanny T ll future Throbbing Gristle, Fred Firth and Linds y Cooper of Henry Cow, saxophonist Lol Coxhill, bands like Art Bears, Cassibe r, Red Balun ... Auto r the anti-heroic and militant music .
We propose a review of some great records in this area
g rigia dissident in the history of rock: music projects sf uggenti, orbiting jazz, progressive rock and post-punk, with some pointing anarcho - creative punk, just to prove that between jazz and experimental approach Crass at the end then there was this big difference. Anyway: the old-fashioned stuff up! [Photo: Henry Cow g them at lunch during a tour ]

[UK free-rock 1]
Lol Coxhill - Welfare State (Lp 1975)

[PUJ] The saxophonist Lol Coxhill, born in 1938, is one of the most interesting figures in the history of rock music . Bookbinder and amateur musician, has played in dozens of all kinds from jazz ensembles to punk bands (he played the sass ofono in "Music for Pleasure" and the Damned or went on tour with them in 1977 !), working with disparate personalities (from prog-rocker Kevin Ayers all'anarcopunk Penny Rimbaud), publishing the 70s to now a series of records unsettling and brilliant come “ Ear of the B eholder ” del 1971, un collage di musica improvvisata e situazionista registrato per strada, sotto i ponti, alle fermate della metropolit ana.
Nel 1973 Coxhill mette insieme una specie di comune artistica formata da freak, vagabondi e musicisti di strada, e incide l’albu m a nome Welfare State : un progetto nel quale jazz, jingle, canti da p ub e musica folkloristica c onvivono all’i nsegna della precarietà di mezzi e dell’improvvisazione. Ce ne parla l’autore nel back cover: "The welfare state (welfare state) is u n nomadic consortium of artists, musicians and performers. How magicians public us and engineers of the imagination invent ceremonies, rituals and officiate build images for particular times, places and seasons. Viaggian do through E urope as a village of trailers and mobile vans, the "welfare state" mass events organized and run outdoor sculptural elements, theater plays, ceremonies, dances, surreal fashion shows and other attractions. Consisting of sixteen adults and seven children the "welfare state" travels to small stages or for long distances, wherever possible or necessary to make concrete poetry. The music of the "welfare state" is functional. Each performance is composed for a particular action, image or atmosphere . " welfare state" is a disc lopsided at best, recorded outdoors and completely insane. It 'an anti-disco. Or rather, is an album of music as instrum ent of human sharing and existential interaction with joyful Pacing nte surrounding non certo come atto artistico... [nella foto: Lol Coxhill, dalle note del vinile di "Welfar State" ].

>>> Download LOL COXHILL - Welfare State (1975) in .mp3 (.rar - 47 mb.)

[U.K. free rock 2]
OW - “Western culture” (Lp 1978)
[Puj] Gli Henry Cow furono tra le più importanti band dell’era pr ogressiva inglese. Fred Frith e Tim Hodgkinson, studenti dell’Università di Cambridge, formano gli “Henry la Mucca” nel 1968, declaring war on the market now and the official music sound stereotypical rock-band era. They define their gender dada-blues "or" Neo- Hiroshima "and u were consid national band" open. " The first five years of occasional concerts and spend between glittering lineup changes. In 1973, newly signed to Virgin Records (and become part of the reviled music market ...). In thickets MPO is blown their closeness to extreme left movements strategic: they come to pprezzati especially in countries where the political-union music is stronger, as in Italy, for example, play in Pordenone in 1975, during an evening organized by the democratic movement of soldiers and commissioned officers of the Italian Army (!) for the radical revision of the Rules of Discipline (Price: one thousand pounds. Free access to the military uito ... ha, ha, ha, ha !!!).
Until the mid 70's all f unction for the best, p or, with the advent of punk, the interest of public record for rock educated fool, to be null and void. Virgin downloads them, but they continue to play around, even with patched c ULO. At some point, the mood spreads within the group: some would recall a speech closer to song form, to communicate with more and more deaf to the music market trials hippie, others would rather I was , ep ver consistently make the middle finger and rely entirely on liberal form ra, as a political statement ica, in disagreement with the prevailing cultural trends.
the situation, comes up with a compromise: Fred Frith and Chris Cutler create a parallel group (the Art Bears) that is dedicated to an adventurous (how much, in fact, never comp elp) combination of song jazz and anarchic, and agree to register Henry Cow with a disc of jazz-rock instrumental and conceptual (but without making any contribution of composition). " Western Culture" is the result of that tormented creative season of the Henry Cow: a jazz record expressionist and anti-capitalist very disturbing. Will be the last album the band that will melt in there ap oco. The disc is divided into two parts: one composed entirely of Tim Hodgkinson entitled "History and Prospects" which opens with "The decay of cities," Industry "and closes with" On the raft. " The s ccording side titled "Day by day, "is the work of clarinetist Lindsay Cooper, culminating co n" Half of the Sky ", an ironic quotation of the famous maxim of Mao Tse-Tung:" Women are the other half of the sky " . The CD reissue of the album have been included some bonus tracks taken from recording sessions for the period, including a piece sung by the title "Viva Pa Ubu", immginaria soundtrack of the play "Ubu Roi" by Alfred Jarry (a must for theater, anarcho-dadista).

In March 1978, Henry Cow organize a big concert in London, which invites four-prog bands of the European area radical Storm y Six (Italy), Samlas Mammas Manna (Sweden) Univers Zero (Belgium) Etron Fou Leloublan (France); event dubbed "Rock in Opposition" is the birth of a movement political music ("RIO", in fact) that involves several European free-rock bands, who do not identify with either the iconoclasm of punk music (then reigning) nor with the rest of the recording industry official. The groups "RIO" fighting against the hegemony of American rock and reassuring simplicity of pop-music, in the name of protecting the territorial and cultural context of rock music and in favor of using the mother language groups (and not dell'ingl carried, as imposed by the imperialist Anglo-American music market!). In the manifesto of the movement Frith writes: "The record make their decisions based on profit and prestige. They have ears when it comes to extract money. And they have a heart that pumps the blood of those who kill . "It ends with a bombastic statement:" Independence is a good first step only if followed by a revolution . "The RIO was an early, ambitious effort to create a form of self and self-management of music on a large scale, politically conscious, with a program and organization well def init. Did not last long (the second official event was held in Rio in 1979 Milan at the Teatro Elf, followed by two smaller events in Sweden and Belgium, then nothing more), but even today there are many progressive rock bands who are interested in 'label "RIO" has become synonymous with independence from the cultural and material trends and laws prevailing market ...

>>> Download HENRY COW "Western culture". Mp3 + art full scan (. Rar - 120 mb)

[UK free rock 3]
RED BALUN - "Maximum Penalty" (ep 1979)

[PUJ] After sharing a few albums with Henry Cow, saxophonist Geoff Leigh shape the Bristol Red Balun, a simpatic or ensemble musical-theater homeless which is usually perform in political rallies and impromptu situations. The number of members of the band is variable: from two to thirty ! In a concert the other, Leigh and collaborate with other organizations that deal with people with disabilities or problems of social and play with addicts and former prisoners.
in 1977 (in training reduced to 4) the Red Balun leave for a t Our
in Ola nda. Along the way, picked up a bit 'ge nt and the last date of the tour will gather on stage in 12. In O Ireland recorded their first 7 "" Spider in Love / capitalistic Kid "which is a (mediocre) jazz-punk pastiche put together as a joke (after all, the disc will have some success among lovers of new sounds ). Much more inter essante is the second " Maximum Penalty" (found below), recorded with the help of some Henry Cow: a real gem dark-jazz highly disturbing. At the end of 1978 he moved to Leigh Belgium to play with another group of ominous music, Univers Zero, and the design and R Balun is stored forever.

>>> Download RED BALUN "Maximum Penalty" (1979) in. Mp3 (. Rar - 24.7 mb.)

[UK free rock 4]
LINDSAY COOPER, MAGGIE Nicols & Joelle Leandre - "Live at the Bastille" (Lp 1982)

[PUJ] Lindsay Co oper, political activist and jazz musician, has up Onate with many bands of free- British rock including Henry Cow. At the end of the 70s are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will perform up to the '90s with several projects, until the disease does not prevent him.
E 'was co-founder, along with singer Maggie Nicols, the Feminist Improvising Group (pictured), a jazz-band music improvvistata composed exclusively of women, born in 1977 in reaction to the dominance exercised by the musicians in males' ambient avant-garde music.
ensemble The debut took place in London, the festival called "Music for Socialism " . On this occasion, the group esibsce \u200b\u200bin a theatrical show half musical half, centered on the experiences of women and their daily activities. The Nicols recalls the evening
calling it 'a bit anarchic, " I remember we had a lot of props, there tiravamo onions and I wandered to the public spraying perfume." The group toured a bit 'all over Europe, staged a bitter-sweet parody of women in society, using, in addition to the canons of musical instruments, even household items like vacuum cleaners, brooms, shovels, pots, pans ... Often opened the shows with the band in an apron intent on sweeping the stage and continued with the exploration of potential "music" of the tools used. The band also tried to break with the traditional separation between public and musician, involving the audience in musical performances and promoting the principle (which can not be more punk) of the "anyone can do it," against the demands of virtuosity and care for jazz musicians escluvità officers.
The Feminist Improvising Group lasted until 1982. Given that the group did not produce any record, except for a live box, of course, impossible to find today, I propose here an album recorded live in Paris in 1983 by a trio formed by the two founders of the feminist group improvisation, and Lindsay Cooper Maggie Nicols, and bassist Joelle Leandre, another jazz musician, political leanings, which in 1983 will enter the 'European Women Improvising Group (International developments Feminist Improvising Group ). The musical proposal of "Live at the Bastille" (recorded just within the walls of the fortress of the Bastille in Paris) is not unlike that of group improvisation feminist and lies in the balance between music and ambient noise. ..

>>> Download Lindsay Cooper, Maggie Nicols & Joelle Leandre "Live at the Bastille" (1982) in. Mp3 (. Rar - 71 mb.

[UK free-rock (bonus track)]
Crass - "Nagasaki Nightmare" (7 "- 1980) + POISON GIRLS -" All Systems Go "(7" - 1980) + Crass / Poison Girls Split (7 "- 1980)
[PUJ] Today, there are many possibilities that a forty year old housewife with two teenage children to get up one morning, put one foot in the anarchist punk band and began touring the country playing? Few would say, but few were also in the England of q 1976 hen you subversive, quarantunenne, founded the Poison Girls, perhaps one of the largest and most underrated punk bands of all time. Along with Crass, Poison Girls rep to exempt the trait d'union between the artsy hippie culture of the '70s and punk. In terms of both musical and political, punk was actually a retreat from the trials of free-rockers militants who were trying to go beyond the music as entertainment, as well as the single product designed to fit the music market and tried to break the traditional dividing line between band and audience (and ultimately, between art and life!), especially as the punk songs were stylistically related to reassuring pop song form, as well as performances by the punk bands, beyond the aesthetic provocation, took place on stages traditional manner tipiche di un qualsiasi concerto rock del passato. Nello scenario punk ci furono però delle importanti eccezioni che declinarono le medesime istanze politico-sociali ed artistiche del free-rock entro una prospettiva più cupa e paranoica . Le più clamorose tra queste furono i Crass e le Poison Girls.
Ho scelto quindi di inserire in questa rassegna di musica hippie underground inglese degli anni ’70 anche tre dischetti delle due succitate bands, usciti nel 1980 su Crass Records: roba molto più vicina agli Art bears e agli Henry Cow che ai Sex Pistols e ai Clash! Per ragioni anagrafiche Penny Rimbaud e Vi Subversa (che nel 1977 avevano rispettivamente 34 e 42 anni) indeed seem strange figures half punk and half hippie. The three magnificent individuals found below contain everything except punk traditionally understood. Let's start with "All Systems Go " of the Poison Girls, " Promenade Immortelle " is a twilight ballad while " Dirty Work" is noise rock that stands on an obsessively repeated riffs. " Nagasaki Nigthmare " Crass is no exception: the A side is a nightmarish freak-out noise, while " Big A, Little A " has all the appearance of an original rap. Regarding the split between the two bands: on the Crass' Bloody Revolutions " è un'epopea divisa in atti che alterna le solite marcette paranoiche a momenti teatrali (tra cui un intermezzo psichedelico cantato da Eve Libertine); sul lato opposto le Poison Girls si cimentano in " Persons unknown " che sembra più un pezzo dei primi Black Sabbath che una canzone punk-rock. In pratica: entrambe le band se ne sbattono della forma canzone (strofa/ritornello/strofa/ritornello etc..etc..) e degli stilemi compositivi/esecutivi del punk.
Curiosità: Vi Subversa é la mamma di Pete Fender e Gem Stone, componenti della band anarco-punk dei Rubella Ballet, che suonò spesso di supporto alle Poison Girls. [Nella foto: s oundcheck dei Crass, dietro ad un ampli compare Vi Subversa ]

>>> Download POISON GIRLS "All systems go" + CRASS "Nagasaki Nightmare" + POISON GIRLS/CRASS split 3 x 7" in .mp3 + complete art scan (.rar - 51,5 mb.)

Glossary Of Ship Information With Diagram


Job Line è una azienda specializzata nella realizzazione e vendita di abiti da lavoro e abbigliamento professionale.

E’ in grado di dare risposte specifiche alle esigenze di chi lavora nel mondo dell’industria, del commercio, dell’artigianato, della ristorazione, delle pubbliche amministrazioni e del settore medicale/ospedaliero.

I punti di forza dei prodotti sono: idoneità all’uso; conformità a norme cogenti relative alla sicurezza; life of the product over time, comfort and fit, high quality standards. These characteristics, combined with innovation and continuous research, identifying the uniqueness of brand products Job Line. Customer service is the main objective of reference for the group's success.

blog WORKWEAR can be updated on news, industry news and talk directly with the company for questions, comments and clarifications on any product or service.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nike Distance Cold Weather Tight - Men's



born today Chemistry Carnival, an event that will be hosted in turn on dozens of bloggers and that each month will make known this wonderful discipline to the general public about the web (and beyond).

I " carnival of science" are famous in Anglo-Saxon world for years and are tools used for the dissemination of scientific culture.

A couple of years, the initiative of the scientific carnival has already been able to create for other important disciplines such as Mathematics and Physics, a get-together, mutual understanding and among those who share in our country (or around the world) are already dealing with scientific communication through the tool already well known for its leanness and pervasiveness represented by web blog.

A short distance from the birth of the third and final carnival of science, one devoted to biodiversity, through the collaboration of Zero-Gravity and, then comes today, Sunday, January 23, 2011, the Carnival of Chemistry .

The choice of the month is not accidental: we are in the first month of what the UN, with the support of UNESCO and IUPAC, decreed as "International Year of Chemistry ", thanks to the participation of 31 different authors of blogs and other sites of scientific, contributed to a total of 67 articles.


Inspired by the positive experience already gathered with his older brother, the Carnival of Physics , even for the newborn creature, the organizers are going to launch a website Official Web reference, which meets at (put the address as a favorite because it will soon be active).

Si tratta di un sito partecipativo che sarà presto a disposizione di tutti i blogger e gli autori, ma anche dei semplici appassionati e curiosi e, perché no, anche dei giornalisti e dei commentatori che vorranno conoscere più da vicino la nostra iniziativa e comunicare con i suoi partecipanti.

In esso troveranno spazio la descrizione dell’iniziativa, tanto in versione “ufficiale” (comunicati stampa) quanto nella versione più operativa, a disposizione di noi blogger e dei nostri lettori, i link a tutte le edizioni già realizzate del Carnevale, descrizione e link ai blog partecipanti, un blog partecipativo per discutere e condividere argomenti, especially for the proposition of the new topics covered by the next editions of the carnival and many other initiatives which will start from its own participants.

All participants in the Carnival of Chemistry will be contacted individually as soon as possible to register on the site, presumably in early February.


Many of you have already signed up: To all those who have not already done, you open the page Facebook Carnival of Chemistry (click the link to visit) .

interventions and comments are of course open to all members and not registered with the site of the initiative.


begin, therefore, with this first appointment, reading initiatives and interventions of the 31 participating bloggers on

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Advanced English Grammar


Chocolate is becoming a star of all boards. He is returning to a more artisanal production, often in historic city centers are born micro laboratories to meet the most demanding tastes, but few know that chocolate was one of his capital in Piedmont.

seems che Il cioccolato arrivò in Piemonte  grazie all'esercito del Duca Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia . A quei tempi il Duca di Savoia serviva il re Carlo V, sovrano spagnolo.
Furono proprio gli spagnoli a portare il cacao dal Messico in Europa.

Sembra che propio in Piemonte e più precisamente a Torino durante il XVIII secolo venne trovato il modo per rendere solido il cioccolato che fino ad allora veniva consumato liquido, come bevanda.

Proprio a Torino nel 1852 nascono i gianduiotti che diverranno uno dei simboli del capoluogo piemontese. Prodotti impastando il cioccolato the nuts "kind" of Piedmont another typical product of Cuneo. The
gianduiotto is also the first sweet packed "wrapped in the typical pack of cards bream.

bar in the center of Turin was instead the "Bicerin" drink made with chocolate, coffee and cream.

From this point onwards, the chocolate will be one of typical of the Piedmont.

the early twentieth century small pastry underwent a process of industrialization, many businesses moved out of the town of Turin in order to have more space. It created as other centers of chocolate production in Novi Ligure, in the province of Alessandria and Alba in the province of Cuneo.

Piemontese From this historic tradition for the processing of different types of chocolate desserts created:

- Gianduiotti or Giandujotti
- Cake Gianduja
- Bonet

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Guy Fish Southpark Lyrics


The origin of leek growing even goes back to 3,000 years before Christ. Although low-calorie
the leek was one of those plants that, throughout the Middle Ages, helped solve the food problem in the applicants famine.

leek Cervo is one of the typical products of Piedmont and is produced in the homonymous municipality in the province of Cuneo. The seed of

Porro Cervere is a "long winter leek." This variety can remain in the soil even during the coldest months.

The particular soil, formed by the flooding of the river Stura, sandy and calcareous, making the Porro Cervere very soft, giving it a sweet taste away from his close relatives, garlic and onion.
The peculiarity of the cultivation of leek Cervere does not permit the mechanization of the crop in turn, limits the production. It 's the case but good to say the least!

Il Porro di Cervere è in attesa dalla Comunità Europea del riconoscimento della denominazione d.o.p. ed è uno degli ingredienti della Bagna Caoda . Ma non solo con questo eccezionale prodotto tipico piemontese si prepara un eccezionale risotto e la crostata ai porri di Cervere.

Dal 7 al 22 novembre a Cervere (CN) si tiene l'annuale Fiera del Porro di Cervere.

Visita spesso il nostro blog   per scoprire sempre nuovi prodotti tipici del Piemonte.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Soon After Getting A Tattoo Can I Wax?


waits for you all in Rome, Friday, January 21, 2011, the editorial Turin Zero Gravity to reward the winners of "The Bad Science on TV" during the Festival of Science 2011 .

Ever heard on TV at least one of these "mysterious" topics

crop circles, Atlantis, the Templars, the chemtrails, the inexhaustible secret of the pyramids, the Mayan prophecies and those of Nostradamus, the monster of Loch Ness other dark creatures, UFOs, the false moon landing, the spacecraft and that prehistoric flying saucer crashed in Roswell, the end of the world, 2012, horoscopes, chemtrails and terrible diseases that according to these transmissions would be unknown to medicine?

Headlines like these are constantly peddled by public television as scientific hypotheses. But they are nothing more than hoaxes or popular beliefs!

"We turn on the brain and have fun to unmask broadcasts field on the popular credulity. Sponsored by UAI (Italian Association of Amateur Astronomers) Association and Levi-Montalcini : part of it FRIDAY 'January 21, 2011 at FESTIVAL OF SCIENCES OF ROME and continues throughout 2011 a report it broadcast on TV describing the scientific errors that we hear and see, you can win prizes that will be raffled.

The group "(bad) science on TV" so ironic and funny is aimed at exposing those who, on the small screen, try to use our popular credulity by pretending to be the bearer of scientific content.

This group, born and developed on the web, consists of hundreds of bloggers, citizens, parents, teachers, researchers, scientists and young people who want to send a positive message, "demand more clarity in certain programs who pretend to be mysteries and unexplained phenomena that those are nothing more than hoaxes or circus folk beliefs. "

The group recently launched a competition open to all in whom all the events that fall into these categories. At Festival of Science in Rome there will be an opportunity to reward the winners and discuss these issues with the President of the Amateur Astronomers Emilio Sassone Italian Courses, the initiator and the conductor Claudio Easter radio and television and author Frederick Taddia .

But beware: the game show "Turn on the TV in front of the Brain" continue throughout 2011 and will be able to participate and win prizes every month.

And here's one of the many videos that will be presented Friday, Jan. 21 in Rome at the Science Festival : the television news programs are indeed producing the greatest number of the most outstanding scientific hoaxes on TV.

Go to the Festival of Science in Rome Friday, 21/01/2011

Area Bart, 18.30
Musica per Roma Foundation has

"The bad science on TV"
Award Competition

An event of "The End of the world. Instructions"
Science Festival 2011

Media Partners: Zero Gravity
Sponsored by: UAI - Unione Italian Amateur Astronomers Association

Friday, January 14, 2011

Masterbation Encouragment

Antinuclear / Radicals: if we lived in a democracy rather than in a Regmi, Italians confirm the anti-nuclear referendum 24 years ago


Declaration Nathalie Pisano (Radical Association secretary Adelaide Aglietta) and Giulio Manfredi (Vice-Chairman Committee National Italian Radicals):

If there will be no early elections, Italian citizens will be asked to vote by mid-June also on the anti-nuclear referendum, promoted by Italy of Values. If in Italy there was a public information is not subservient to party politics, and if the private networks in Italy were not available for 95% of the Prime Minister, known to be pro-nuclear, and if, ultimately, we live in a democracy instead of a system, we are sure that Italian citizens by voting "yes' to the repeal of the rules on construction of new nuclear power plants in Italy, to reaffirm the" NO to nuclear " espresso dall’80% di loro nel 1987, 24 anni fa, sull’onda del disastro di Cernobil (i cui effetti, giova ricordarlo, i cittadini ucraini, e non solo, pagano ancora oggi).

Vivendo, invece, in un regime, chiediamo: quanti milioni di euro ha investito finora il “Forum nucleare italiano” in spot televisivi e intere pagine sui quotidiani? Quanti milioni di euro intende spendere nei prossimi mesi? Continuerà a volersi spacciare come indipendente e obiettivo o, finalmente, tirerà giù la maschera e si rivelerà per quello che effettivamente è (basta andare sul sito e vedere chi sono i soci del forum), lo strumento con cui le multinazionali dell’atomo intendono dupe of Italian citizens, trying to convince them that the nuclear option is not anti-historical, expensive and dangerous?

Meanwhile, now, need to strengthen the anti-nuclear committee should be set up in Piedmont and other (transverse and nonviolent) in all regions involved in the nuclear program of the government.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wella Color Conversion Chart

[U.S.A. creative anarco-punx - 1]
BLACKBIRD RAUM (Anarco-folk, Santa Cruz, California) - Under the starling host (Lp 2009)
[Puj] Malgrado la pessima pubblicità che gli amabasciatori della sub-cultura americana (Mtv, ad esempio) fanno alla musica punk d'oltreoceano, esiste negli States una vitale e gioiosa scena anarco-punk, capace di proposte entusiasmanti. Some of them, starting from BlackBird Raum, a U.S. actually quite famous in the underground, but not in our country. The band was formed in the early zero by a group of punks and squatters of Santa Cruz, California. Accustomed as they were living in abandoned flats minds in tree houses (ie no current), the idea of \u200b\u200bforming a band ch and made use of electric instruments was almost OVV ia. Each learned to play acoustic instruments (accordion, banjo, fiddle, washboard , which is a tool designed to wash the clothes, but then spread as a percussion instrument in pr imissime jazz-band) ed altri addirittura se ne costruirono di propri con materiali di recupero (un componente della band infatti suona una specie di contrabbasso costruito con un bastone, una corda e un catino, noto come " bidofono "). Nel corso degi anni i Blackbird Raum hanno messo a punto un sound unico, a metà strada tra l'anarco-punk e il folk anglosassone, senza cadere in cliché né dell'una né dell'altra parte: come se una string-band americana degli anni '20 si mettesse a suonare le cover dei Conflict...
I testi parlano di eco-radicalismo e istanze libertarie, ma sono anche ricchi di elementi fantasy, nonché di riferimenti ad eventi e personagg
i storici, e sono accomunati dalla sacrosanta idea that modern civilization is destined for collapse if it continues to destroy the resources and pollute Pacing nte. One of the most famous songs is Blackbird Raum intitalata " Silent Spring" ( Silent spring), which is also the title of the famous essay by Rachel Carson, American poster for the deep-ecology, published in 1962.
Backbird Raum I recently did a tour in the States called " Burning gasoline, as long as there is still a thing of el kind ..." in 2010 and one in ... Alaska! They are the wet dream of every musician punk can go on tour and play everywhere, without depending by the electric current and without carrying tons of amplifiers. Their last album "Under the starling host" is a masterpiece!

>>> Download BLACKBIRD RAUM "Under the starling host" (2009) in. Mp3 (. Rar - 76 mb.)

[ USA creative anarcho-punx - 2 ]
FROM The Depths (Anarcho-punk, Chapel Hill, North Carolina) - Germination (Lp 2009)
[PUJ] Blessed are those who were in the basement of Villa Vegan, last May, the concert or
From the Depths of ! Why could see a performance of rare intensity, backed by a more beautiful than the songs! Born from the dissolution of Catharsis, hc sperimetale famous band of the '90s and into the very collective CrimethInc. , From the Dephts come from the state of North Carolina and are based on my criteria opinabi them, the anarcho-punk group's perfect! Poetry and politics, anger, and technical ability, originality and compositional skills are elements that coexist harmoniously in "Germinate " first and only album, which they themselves tell us: "As in the past anarcho-punk was represented by bands with different styles such as Crass, Chumbawamba and counter, the songs on this album combine the power of the d-beat, hardcore slower and faster, the harsh noise and the Italian anarchist songs. Music intense, shocking and dark, but built around catchy tunes: the songs you can scream your lungs during the riots, but you can sing softly in the cell, to keep up morale. The songs on "Germinate" not know a song epic of self-determination and resistance! .
The album contains seven pieces, quite eclectic style, ranging from fast, melodic songs ("Let fly the flag black "," Last transmission "," Joan of Arc with her hair on fire "), a more rhythmic and unusual pieces like the stubborn" the Assassin "(moving song with a long experimental part noise in the middle), the funeral-doom of "Dirge " (a wonderful, epic, powerful requiem between Contropotere and Manowar!) and "A Sante Caserio " (a cover of the old Italian anarchist songs, performed a cappella) . Germinate "is a record of dazzling beauty. It is freely downloadable from the band's website, with artwork and lyrics included!

>>> Download From The Depths "Germinate" (2009) from here!

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SKAGOS / Panopticon (Cascadian black metal, Vancouver / Louisville) - Split Album (LP 2010)
[PUJ] Cascadian black metal? Yes, Cascadian black metal! " Cascadia" is the name of a region which, on maps, not
esis you. Runs along the mountain chain known as the Falls that winds through northern California and Alaska and corresponds, roughly, to the states of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia (in Canada West).
In the '70s the American environmental movement-inspired eco-radical libertarian and began to assert the independence of this mega-region considered unique not only in terms of geological and environmental but also socio-political
. They claim the secessionists, the Cascadia is a region which has always prevailed a culture of environmental protection, genuine democracy and social justice in the name of ecological issues, and libertarian pacifist, and in compliance with the anti-capitalist way of life that the inhabitants of this area have always practiced, the Movement for the Independence of Cascadia believes that the American government is not suitable to represent the interests and aspirations of the region. The Cascadia is therefore a region framed by boundaries drawn on maps yet, but in the end, even an ideal state, a dream (impossible?): A country governed by laws that place before all the protection of ' environment and ensure the residents a life in harmony with it. This may really exist in a globalized talistico leaders, aiming at standardization and calming local peculiarities?
The Cascadia is also the region (geographical and ideal) in which it has developed an exciting new sub-genre: the
Cascadian black metal, in fact, the result of a recent phenomenon that until a decade ago seemed unthinkable: the approach of the punk / hc-inspired anarcho-libertarian and black metal. In the U.S., some groups crust (such as Iskra ) initiated this osmosis over the years, creating a hybrid that is now quite widespread: the so-called blackened crust. But many are not passs the punk sub-genres, but jumped directly to the black-metal, in identifying ancestral pagan spirituality embodied by this kind of music an ideal instrument to convey the message eco-wise common to many radical groups crust and punk.

The best known of these bands is certainly one of Wolves in the throne room of Olympia, champions of Cascadian black metal, but in the underground if they uncover many others, often by ex-punk fomate involved diy scene, like Boreal, Wake, Addaura, Panopticon and Skagos; and bands together under tichetta of "Cascadian black-metal", united by the same instances ecolgiste and libertarian although not all grown on the region.
Austin, of Panopticon, he tells us " Though I lived as a teenager in the local punk scene and played in some punk-band , I have always loved the black metal. Naturalment and I have also always refused all that shit right hand that the genre has always brought with him: homophobia, racism, Satanism and other crap you tut. Anyway, experience has taught me that a lot of punk-rock write lyrics stupid, sexist and homophobic. For the rest, it was a satisfaction to speak to many issues of metalheads eco-radical and anti-capitalist Spread across a musical genre known to them, and propose a different music to punk, but who talks about things that interest them. " Austin is the only fixed component the band and lives in Louisville, Kentucky, that is not in Cascadia. Natives of the region are Isaac and Ray, members of Skagos Vancouver, Canada, with Panopticon shared a split album in 2010. They also come from the punk / hc (Ray Iskra was the bass player). The black-metal
Skagos Panopticon and fits the pattern laid down by some modern black metal groups, whose sound is heavily contaminated by post-rock Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mono and Slowdive, reverberated in the use of guitars, often in growing, in alternating outbursts at blast-beat scores dilated and ambient passages (In "Brace steaming" of Skagos there are a couple of minutes almost reggae / dub, and the following " A dry sterile thunder without rain " opens with a score folk / ambient and leads to a poignant ballad voice and acoustic guitar, the Panopticon, known to use the banjo, which is a tool that refers to bluegrass and traditional American music, are no different, with the songs that introduce shamanic " A message from the missionary 'and the evocative xylophone " Watching"). Below is a split album between the two bands: personally,
play black metal since 1993, and if I say that groups like the Panopticon, and have renewed my Skagos entusiasmo per il genere... beh, credeteci! [ nelle foto: prima Skagos, poi Panopticon ]

>>> Download Panopticon/Skagos split album (2010) in .mp3 (.rar - 65 mb.)

Monday, January 10, 2011

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Article taken from " PRINT ONLINE "

Plin gianduiotti
and take off on Alitalia

Launch Piedmont, promoting its excellent food and wine around the world: even at high altitudes on routes served by Alitalia. Those in Class "Magnificent," is clear: The name refers to the idea.

E 'before the last, chronologically, is open to the voice' tourism '. The new project "co-marketing ' launched by the Regional Chamber of Commerce and to complement those already in operation, is within the stipulated three-year contracts with Ryanair and Alitalia together with the province, municipality and Sagat. The difference is that in this case, the main contact is the national airline.

Word of Alberto Cirio, Regional Minister for Tourism, confident in comprehensive initiative on different dates. One goal, three lines of action. From now until January 17 wines and typical products of Turin in Piedmont will stand in the VIP room at Rome Fiumicino Airport will be a New Year toast in the name of Asti Spumante. And one.

In addition, this month, passengers aboard Alitalia flight, Class "Wonderful," will pass the time enjoying something better than the usual snacks: IGP hazelnuts from Piedmont, Novara biscuits and superb gianduiotto Turin. It will continue until all of the products. In other words, in the Piedmont will be taken on a trip as a taste of the area.

Others who are not in Piedmont, and maybe even the Italians, will become familiar with the three protagonists of a cuisine that does not fear competition. Confident that the discovery of our tastes as the first step in travelers to arouse a curiosity and a wider appreciation, the condition of one or more episodes in a thousand places in Piedmont.

But the main attraction is a altro. «A fine mese, nel simulatore aereo di Alitalia a Roma, presenteremo in anteprima alla stampa il menu regionale preparato dall’Associazione degli chef stellati piemontesi e distribuito per la prima volta sui voli aerei - spiega Cirio, entusiasta dell’idea -: la compagnia si impegna ad acquistare i prodotti sul nostro territorio e a cucinarli secondo le precise direttive degli chef. L’iniziativa durerà tre mesi, fino alla fine di aprile».

Impossibile alzare il sipario sul menu, ancora in fase di definizione e comunque top-secret in attesa del debutto. Dai e dai, a forza di insistere abbiamo ottenuto giusto un paio di indizi da «Turismo Torino». Ecco allora che tra le prime portate figureranno gli agnolotti of plin the gravy, a must of Piedmontese cuisine. Rigor of the cheeses, various production zone aging, also consolidated the protagonists of good food. Complete darkness on the latter although it is likely that - in the case of meals to eat on an airplane, maybe in a business meeting the other - you will avoid the use of garlic and onion. And never mind if rappresentamo the cornerstones of our local cuisine. Predictably, on the front of the wines, the use of large "red" of the wine tradition of Piedmont capable of conquering any palate.

Needless to say that if successful the initiative will collect, as expected, will replicated. Philosophy, in all cases, it is always the same: to promote the territory by leveraging one of its undoubted strengths. Starting today, the Piedmontese cuisine takes flight in the literal sense of the word.

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Al di là di Dio Padre: una guida alla spiritualità femminista.
[Pep] La modalità teologica del pensiero femminista non include soltanto un versante riformista, orientato ad una critica interna delle grandi religioni, ma anche un versante radicale, votato all'edificazione di spirituality totally opposed to them. It 'right this second strand of feminist theology that the Kalashnikov Collective Headquarter want to submit a tutorial, antologizzando six texts that are intended to provide an introduction and an orientation to the religion of the Goddess. Even the atheist or agnostic reader may find valuable clues to its decisive historical criticism of religious traditions: the grasping of the latter as late occultist disguises and deceptions sacredness original based on worship of a female deity, and on a social ginecocentrico and ginecocratico, it throws a different light on the history of humanity, showing the infamous structural link between patriarchal religions and inexorable destruction of the human world, animals and plants.
Our anthology opens with two pieces of Luciana Percovich, the most important Italian scholar of feminist spirituality: the first chapter, accompanied by the introduction of his book "Dark mothers shining" (2007) and fifth in the latest " one who gives life, the one who gives the form " (2009). While the latter ("Mama Africa ") outlines the mythic structures of spirituality ginecocentrica removed the continent's oldest human settlement, Africa, the first (" Our Mother who art in heaven ”), muovendo dalla contrapposizione tra il paradigma femminile del “sacro” e quello patriarcale del “divino”, mette in evidenza la fase di transizione dall'uno all'altro.
Segue “ La Venere mostruosa della preistoria ” (1991) di Marija Gimbutas , la geniale archeologa di origine lituana che più di ogni altro ha contribuito a dare spessore storico alla religione della Dea: il testo, dall'antologia “ I nomi della Dea ”, a cura di Joseph Campbell e Charles Musès, costituisce una dottissima disamina delle raffigurazioni del femminile cosmogonico risalenti all'Europa pre-patriarcale.
Per chi fosse interessato a gettare uno sguardo non stereotipato sulla culla della civiltà occidentale, il mondo greco, disvelandone l'originaria e rimossa mitologia matri-focale pre-ellenica, proponiamo un testo classico: l'introduzione del celebre “ Le Dee perdute dell'antica Grecia ” (1978), la raccolta di miti pre-ellenici di Charlene Spretnak, tra le maggiori studiose eco-femministe, nonché co-fondatrice e ispiratrice dei Verdi statunitensi.
L'offensiva anti-cristiana è ben rappresentata dal testo di Mary Daly Al di là della cristolatria: un mondo senza modelli ”, terzo capitolo del suo fondamentale “ Al di là di Dio Padre ” (1973): la grande American lesbian-feminist thinker, believes that only the feminist revolution and the reassertion of the primacy of women (without excluding the optimistic perspective of the likely extinction of the male, following the return of the genetic degeneration that underlies it) can save humanity and the natural world, will express his conception of the feminist movement as a primordial Antichrist, present and future.
Our anthology concludes with a look at the occult side of the feminist spirituality: beyond the easy criticabilità magic of every culture, the largest collection of texts that present, organized in 1976 by Anne Kent Rush, a historic personality of Magical Thinking- feminist costituisce un documento di notevole interesse. Oltre ad una pregnante chiarificazione, anche terminologica, della visione politico-spirituale complessiva della religione della Dea e ad una decisiva confutazione femminista della presunta “santità” cristiana (corredata da un brano di Mary Daly su Giovanna D'Arco), entrambe ad opera di Anne Kent Rush, la raccolta contiene testimonianze di alcune tra le principali pensatrici occultiste, da Dion Fortune a Z. Budapest, la storica fondatrice della Wicca Dianica.
Ci sembra opportuno concludere con le parole di Elizabeth Gould Davis , dal suo straordinario “ The first sex ” (1971): “ Le età del maschilismo stanno arrivando at the end. Their last days were lit by a glow of such violence and despair as universal as never before had seen the world ... In the new science of the twenty-first century, not physical strength, but will point the way the spiritual force. The gifts will be more mental and spiritual qualities required of a physical nature. The extra-sensory perception have precedence over the senses. And the woman in this sphere will prevail again. The one that was revered and adored by the first men to its power to see what is not seen once again become the pivot around which revolve the next civilization, as once a ". [Image: Blessing - Mati Klarwein, 1965 ]

>>> Download "Guide to Spiritual feminist anthology. Pdf [ITA] (16 Mb.)