Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where Can I Watch Ggw Spring Break 2k4?

Radical dear Veronesi, the problem is not fear but not the soundness of the investment Nuclear Referendum

Boni: "If it was true what he says Prof. Veronesi the world would be full of plants under construction, but it obviously is not"

In response to the allegations of Umberto Veronesi acts on nuclear Igor Boni (Radical Association Adelaide Aglietta)

If the approach was to tackle the fear of new nuclear Chernobyl I'd be on the side of Verona. But this is to answer a simple question that is central: the nuclear interests? The investment needed - in Italy we are talking about 30/40 billion (!) Euro - considering the dismantling of the structures at the end of life is compatible with the expected benefits? This question must be answered by putting the pot also shortcomings in the global uranium (as Veronesi know that all the uranium can be used to produce nuclear energy) and, of course, the question of waste disposal that is simplistic to say today they will find a European site for storage. Having said that, without exception and ideological, why in the world (except for some proclaims) nuclear power plant it built in hundreds? The reason, again, is economic. Build, secure, dismantle, find storage sites, it costs infinitely more of today 80 (just for the security policy included in the projects). If there is a future of new nuclear generation is cheaper and more efficient, well-being. Today, with much lower investment program could be a serious policy of efficiency and savings, which is the pivot on which to build a real national energy plan.

March 3, 2011


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