[Cd-r from the world - 4]
REVENGERS ZE (post-punk, France) - Al ici semmos you sound (cd-r 2010)
[PUJ] Another roundup of amenities in cd-r accumulated during our travels ... Let's start with this luxurious self-production of Ze French Revengers , the post-punk trio French all the female readers of this blog should know for some time. Over the past three years we've often cross them, such as last September, in Paris, during which we were able to take possession of their latest masterpiece. A cd-r of course, but packaged in a stunning silkscreened digipak with a booklet (also made by hand) of some thirty pages! That's DIY spirit! The album, recorded between France and the Basque Country, is an explosion of creativity without the schedules and constraints of gender. Post-punk violin, bass and drums mixing d-beat, apocalyptic folk, jazz, math-rock, singer-songwriter ... all with a spontaneity and a personality without equal! As always, the texts of Ze are very real and talk about topics related to diy, self-management, ecology, feminism and everyday life: "Maison de retraite autogéré " (self-managed retirement home) is a warning against the resignation and loneliness of middle-class life, while "Poubelle la vie" (He throws away his life) attacked the consumer society ( "the world is a giant landfill, humans work like animals and all that produce throw it away. Buy, buy, buy ... and then throw! I do not want to be one of the objects used and then thrown under the terms of a system that I chosen). "Revanche (Revenge) was born from a reflection on the meaning of their name (" revenge My anger does not feed that to live! My anger is destructive, my anger is liberating "and" resignation and suicide daily "), and" Fais-le toi meme "(Do it yourself) is a beautiful hymn to self (" Our whole life is a game of balance between our need for emancipation and the constant oppression, hope to chew the moments of freedom in the margins of the system ... We will never be free / and as long as that exists, and we will be condemned / and fight it. so that we can win or not we are not interested in We need only hope that our struggle for freedom open spaces ").
The title of the disc appears to be in a mysterious language, but in reality is" Nous sommes ici et là "(" we are here and there "in French) to the contrary. The cover portrays the three Zorro masks routinely worn in concert ...
>>> Download ZE REVENGERS - "Nous sums ici et là" (2010) in. mp3 + art scan (. rar - 60 mb.)
[Cd-r from the world - 5]
ATOM AGE (Powerviolence, NY, U . Sa) - What happend?! (Cd-r 2008)
[PUJ] New York, beginning in January. Afternoon grim and cold. We are located in the vibrant Lower East Side and unkempt , the most punk district of Manhattan. It 'beautiful dirty, full of shops and animated by a strange glowing kaleidoscope of cultures.
Revington Street rises on ' ABC No Rio, New York historical pseudo-squat, standing since 1980. It's two thirty in the afternoon and about to start the concert. No wonder, is a classic punk matinees dear to Americans. ABC No Rio, where the concerts punk / hc are organized only in the afternoon, non c’è bar, non si possono acquistare alcolici e nemmeno consumarli. C’è solo una stanza nera nella quale suonano i gruppi. E un angolo per le distro, naturalmente. Ad una di queste ho acquistato il cd-r degli “Era Atomica” (giovane band di New York, in cartellone quel giorno). L’ho pagato 3 dollari, la bellezza di circa un dollaro e cinquanta al minuto. Sì, perché l’e.p. in questione dura complessivamente un minuto e cinquantotto secondi! Ah,ah,ah,ah! Si impiega di più ad accendere lo stereo, infilare il cd e schiacciare play che ad ascoltarlo! Tre schiaffoni crust/grind confezionati in un atwork serigrafato di fretta e tutto sbavato, come da copione powerviolence…
>>> Download ATOM AGE "What happend?" cd-r. mp3 + art scan (. rar - 4 mb.)
[Cd-r from the world - 6]
Anemic Cinema (punk rock , Milan, Italy) - Unofficial Bootleg 2010 (cd-r 2010)
[PUJ] After Paris and New York, we stop at ... Bollate ! In the "charming" suburb of the northern outskirts of Milan live our dear friend Jerry, bassist Anemic Cinema. A few days ago I sent in this nice cd-r recorded live in studio and on "bootleg unofficial "(a bootleg is by its very nature an album" unofficial ", but here we are in complete secrecy label!). The Anemic Cinema (which takes its name from the title of a film surrealist Marcel Duchamp) sound punk as it was done around 1977, and the thing that makes them very interesting is the fact that they were formed long after the fateful date. In fact, to be counted among the longest-running punk bands of Milan began in 1984 and are still in business today. Well, yes, an activity that you can not exactly define "busy", but they do a concert a year!
In the CD you will find some handwritten composition, but also many bands cover of paleolithic type Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols and Dead Boys, though, to play on the venerable age of Grandpa Jerry, always ask him if Holiday in Cambodia "is a song of Anemic Cinema coverizzata the Dead Kennedys or vice versa. Cd-r frugal and out, so heroic.
>>> Download Anemic Cinema "Unofficial Bootleg 2010" cd-r. Mp3 + art scan (. Rar - 83 mb.)
[PUJ] Another roundup of amenities in cd-r accumulated during our travels ... Let's start with this luxurious self-production of Ze French Revengers , the post-punk trio French all the female readers of this blog should know for some time. Over the past three years we've often cross them, such as last September, in Paris, during which we were able to take possession of their latest masterpiece. A cd-r of course, but packaged in a stunning silkscreened digipak with a booklet (also made by hand) of some thirty pages! That's DIY spirit! The album, recorded between France and the Basque Country, is an explosion of creativity without the schedules and constraints of gender. Post-punk violin, bass and drums mixing d-beat, apocalyptic folk, jazz, math-rock, singer-songwriter ... all with a spontaneity and a personality without equal! As always, the texts of Ze are very real and talk about topics related to diy, self-management, ecology, feminism and everyday life: "Maison de retraite autogéré " (self-managed retirement home) is a warning against the resignation and loneliness of middle-class life, while "Poubelle la vie" (He throws away his life) attacked the consumer society ( "the world is a giant landfill, humans work like animals and all that produce throw it away. Buy, buy, buy ... and then throw! I do not want to be one of the objects used and then thrown under the terms of a system that I chosen). "Revanche (Revenge) was born from a reflection on the meaning of their name (" revenge My anger does not feed that to live! My anger is destructive, my anger is liberating "and" resignation and suicide daily "), and" Fais-le toi meme "(Do it yourself) is a beautiful hymn to self (" Our whole life is a game of balance between our need for emancipation and the constant oppression, hope to chew the moments of freedom in the margins of the system ... We will never be free / and as long as that exists, and we will be condemned / and fight it. so that we can win or not we are not interested in We need only hope that our struggle for freedom open spaces ").
The title of the disc appears to be in a mysterious language, but in reality is" Nous sommes ici et là "(" we are here and there "in French) to the contrary. The cover portrays the three Zorro masks routinely worn in concert ...
>>> Download ZE REVENGERS - "Nous sums ici et là" (2010) in. mp3 + art scan (. rar - 60 mb.)
[Cd-r from the world - 5]
ATOM AGE (Powerviolence, NY, U . Sa) - What happend?! (Cd-r 2008)
[PUJ] New York, beginning in January. Afternoon grim and cold. We are located in the vibrant Lower East Side and unkempt , the most punk district of Manhattan. It 'beautiful dirty, full of shops and animated by a strange glowing kaleidoscope of cultures.
Revington Street rises on ' ABC No Rio, New York historical pseudo-squat, standing since 1980. It's two thirty in the afternoon and about to start the concert. No wonder, is a classic punk matinees dear to Americans. ABC No Rio, where the concerts punk / hc are organized only in the afternoon, non c’è bar, non si possono acquistare alcolici e nemmeno consumarli. C’è solo una stanza nera nella quale suonano i gruppi. E un angolo per le distro, naturalmente. Ad una di queste ho acquistato il cd-r degli “Era Atomica” (giovane band di New York, in cartellone quel giorno). L’ho pagato 3 dollari, la bellezza di circa un dollaro e cinquanta al minuto. Sì, perché l’e.p. in questione dura complessivamente un minuto e cinquantotto secondi! Ah,ah,ah,ah! Si impiega di più ad accendere lo stereo, infilare il cd e schiacciare play che ad ascoltarlo! Tre schiaffoni crust/grind confezionati in un atwork serigrafato di fretta e tutto sbavato, come da copione powerviolence…
>>> Download ATOM AGE "What happend?" cd-r. mp3 + art scan (. rar - 4 mb.)
[Cd-r from the world - 6]
Anemic Cinema (punk rock , Milan, Italy) - Unofficial Bootleg 2010 (cd-r 2010)
[PUJ] After Paris and New York, we stop at ... Bollate ! In the "charming" suburb of the northern outskirts of Milan live our dear friend Jerry, bassist Anemic Cinema. A few days ago I sent in this nice cd-r recorded live in studio and on "bootleg unofficial "(a bootleg is by its very nature an album" unofficial ", but here we are in complete secrecy label!). The Anemic Cinema (which takes its name from the title of a film surrealist Marcel Duchamp) sound punk as it was done around 1977, and the thing that makes them very interesting is the fact that they were formed long after the fateful date. In fact, to be counted among the longest-running punk bands of Milan began in 1984 and are still in business today. Well, yes, an activity that you can not exactly define "busy", but they do a concert a year!
In the CD you will find some handwritten composition, but also many bands cover of paleolithic type Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols and Dead Boys, though, to play on the venerable age of Grandpa Jerry, always ask him if Holiday in Cambodia "is a song of Anemic Cinema coverizzata the Dead Kennedys or vice versa. Cd-r frugal and out, so heroic.
>>> Download Anemic Cinema "Unofficial Bootleg 2010" cd-r. Mp3 + art scan (. Rar - 83 mb.)
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