Saturday, March 12, 2011
How Long Should I Give My Cat Hairball Treatment
Friday, March 11, 2011
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[Free books for punx]
[Pep] Maitresse Nikita Schaffauser and Thierry is a French prostitute and a prostitute: in their book (accompanied by an introduction in 2009 of Pia Covre) that the Kalashnikov Collective Headquarter presents to its readers, the authors seek to shed light on the crucial issue of prostitution than the feminist struggle, creating a new star of the latter The feminist bitch . Building on the success of strategic offensive dall'inscindibilità between feminist and tactical success the fight against the stigma of prostitutes (and the resulting discriminatory legislation, widely disseminated throughout the 'liberated' Western world), the authors come to envisage the re-appropriation by the proud women of the insult that still scars the most frequently (" bitch ") and is the emblematic event of the condemnation of their sexuality and ultimately their right to self-determination. In this sense the authors, involving them in the figures also manifesto (male or female), the liminal world of prostitution, pornography operators, their distance from the strands of feminism, albeit with the best intentions, read the practice of prostitution as a social and cultural product of the Patriarchate. And 'quite true that this strongly marked by prostitution itself (that is immediately obvious manifestation of this is the small number of prostitutes), which, however, there is indeed a core self and quintessentially feminist ethics: self-determination without limits Women (and on the issue of self-determination, see also the proposal made by the authors, liberalization and ethical legitimacy of hard drugs, clearly recognized as the only way to eliminate the stigma that is gripping the drug).
Heirs of historical movements of the Seventies come l'associazione Coyote (Stati Uniti) e il Collettivo della prostitute di Parigi, Maitresse Nikita e Thierry Schaffauser sono implacabili combattenti contro il grottesco immaginario, di origine evangelica, della redenzione delle prostitute, rivendicando anzi chiaramente il carattere di minoranza sessuale di queste ultime e incitandole ad una decisiva svolta anti-patriarcale : nella prospettiva della loro trasformazione in creatrici e promotrici di sessualità femminista, la quale interferisca esizialmente con i codici di genere del Patriarcato.
Il libro contiene anche un informativo ed allarmante panorama sulla repressione della prostituzione in Europa, la quale, nel prevalente e complice silenzio dei media e dell'opinione pubblica, mutila le prostitute dei fondamentali diritti civili: dalla vita familiare alla custodia dei figli (nella ridicola ottica secondo cui sarebbe scandaloso che esse/i possano seguire l'esempio “corruttore” della madre), fino a pervenire alle inaccettabili discriminazioni medico-sanitarie, alla censura ed alla persecuzione.
>>> Download Maitresse Nikita e Thierry Schaffauser - Fiere di essere puttane (2007) [ITA] in .pdf (3 mb.)
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[Free music for punx]
[Dalle note di copertina] " Un salto nel passato? Patetica malinconia? No, Tutt'altro! Ecco il lavoro di cinque gruppi italiani che dopo una frattura epocale senza precedenti tirano fuori ciò che di più sincero non avrebbero potuto fare: sei brani [in realtà erano 9... ndr] di puro old school proprio come ai bei tempi! [...] Quindici anni fa, ragazzi come tu ed io si misero in testa di sprigionare tutta la rabbia e la forza che avevano dentro con la complicità di un pubblico disposto a spaccarsi le ossa sotto un palco di cinquanta centimetri pregno di sudore. E non era musica. Il dissenso non esprimeva a mere adolescent dissatisfaction: there was the desire of subversion. This disc is not a fucking revival, but is simply an expression of what we were and what we are! " .
was really hard to believe, in 1996, a compilation of punk / hc old school in Italy? Well, it was the period of the posse ragamuffin and groups that depopulated in the social centers in the first half of 90s and there si trovava nel bel mezzo dell'esplosione dell'h.c. melodico californiano, con il suo stucchevole ottimismo yankee. Quindi sì, la vecchia scuola non faceva proseliti come oggi. In effetti, questa compila è un po' il simbolo di un decisivo cambio di rotta, incarnato da quella generazione che si era avvicinata al punk grazie ai Nofx e ai Green Day e che in quegli anni scopriva la cultura d.i.y. e l'esistenza di una scena h.c., anche e soprattutto italiana, che negli anni '80 nascondeva dietro ai canonici tre accordi qualcosa di più profondo, vitale e "nostro" di quello che parevano veicolare i gruppi statunitensi della nuova ondata. Tra l'altro, proprio tra il '95 e il '96, uscirono le prime ristampe in cd dei gruppi h.c. italiani (Wretched, Worse Punx, Impact, Eu's Arse, CCM, Decline ...) and this, in a period in which the disks are not downloaded from the Internet, made the old-school accessible to all.
That said, I note that fifteen years have passed since I bought this disc at the fair of Senigallia. Hard to believe! In 96 groups of fifteen years before I / we seemed to belong to the mythological era: they were "history." In 2011, however, 1996 seems to us yesterday and the modern age groups: in fact, only a few weeks ago, we shared the stage with friends Tribe, one of the bands that are included in this seven-inch!
About seven ... first things first: the first side opens with "Static Silence" cover degli Indigesti, una dichiarazione di appartenenza di campo; ad eseguirla sono i milanesi Sottopressione che oggi sono un gruppo qualsiasi tant'é che molti ventenni del 2011 nemmeno li conoscono. Nel ’96 però non era così: erano una spanna sopra! Perché suonavano da dio. Ricordo che tutti aspettammo con trepidazione l’uscita del loro primo album, lo stesso album che durante un interrail in Svezia e Norvegia nell’estate ’97 girava a ripetizione nel ghettoblaster dei giovani componenti dei Kalashnikov! Seguono gli incrollabili TearMeDown, ancora in azione dopo lustri e lustri di hc militante. Già radicali lo erano all'epoca, come dimostra questa "Meledetti freakkettoni" che esprime, senza tanti giri di parole, the reaction of punx 90s to ragamuffin above: "Why freakkettoni cursed? Fifteen years ago they were in positions to make them epicenters of uncontrolled chaos: now they are rivals ... with the same domain hierarchical prerogatives. freakkettoni I feed Culture reed warbler, fancazzista free and peaceful! "They close the hand, Poor Tilt, tuscany small band that produced a cassette in 1994 entitled The " Shout It . Hc straight straight with existential lyrics.
The second part is the side with "Straight lines / almost parallel / in your grooves / in your daily yawning!" etc ... etc ..., the first verse of a song ("The two of us cut in two") I heard that a billion times. It was the shocking Shards of Turin, only opera group from power, that I / we spurred efforts to transform our rickety punk rock band into something more serious. He was born so that the Kalashnikov: in just two miunuti poor, the beginning of a story that has lasted Fifteenth! It continues with the mouth closed (group Monza which I know much) and closes with the aforementioned, immortal Tribe (here again with the unmistakable voice to Carlo Cannella), the double "Stigma / Not subject to change" shows a approach to the material originally published in accordance with, however, a style unmistakably old school.
Good listening and, as concluded the internal notes of the album: "See you in pile with the index finger raised! .
>>> Download AA.VV. Hard to believe a compilation of old school Italian 7 "(1996),. Mp3 (. Rar - 35 mb.)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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If the approach was to tackle the fear of new nuclear Chernobyl I'd be on the side of Verona. But this is to answer a simple question that is central: the nuclear interests? The investment needed - in Italy we are talking about 30/40 billion (!) Euro - considering the dismantling of the structures at the end of life is compatible with the expected benefits? This question must be answered by putting the pot also shortcomings in the global uranium (as Veronesi know that all the uranium can be used to produce nuclear energy) and, of course, the question of waste disposal that is simplistic to say today they will find a European site for storage. Having said that, without exception and ideological, why in the world (except for some proclaims) nuclear power plant it built in hundreds? The reason, again, is economic. Build, secure, dismantle, find storage sites, it costs infinitely more of today 80 (just for the security policy included in the projects). If there is a future of new nuclear generation is cheaper and more efficient, well-being. Today, with much lower investment program could be a serious policy of efficiency and savings, which is the pivot on which to build a real national energy plan.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Despite the protest movements have never reached the isolated town of Red Sea , which are also safe according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see the website "Travel safe," which states: "in the tourist areas of the Red Sea, Luxor and Aswan the situation is back to normal and is under control"), the tourist season in Egypt sluggish.
This situation, caused by a lack of information about the real risks i turisti, ha avuto come effetto positivo il moltiplicarsi di offerte vacanze per il Mar Rosso .
Soprattutto le località più isolate, come ad esempio la bellissima Marsa Alam , sono mete consigliate non solo perché qui i turisti non corrono alcun tipo di pericolo (né ora che la situazione è più sotto controllo in tutto l’Egitto né durante le settimane critiche) ma anche perché “fioccano” proposed packages on the market very favorable. In short, the maximum service at minimum cost.
A concrete example? Settemari, a leading Italian tour operators of the Red Sea, offers for the month of March, one week all inclusive 5 star hotel in Floriana Dream Lagoon € 599 (departing March 12 from Milan Malpensa, Turin, Bergamo, Verona, Bologna, Rome Fiumicino, Pisa) or € 740 (departing March 26 or 19).
One week all inclusive (flights 19 or 26 March) at the other resort of Marsa Alam Settemari group, the Floriana Blue Lagoon (4 stars), it costs only 690 euro.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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Mango is a tiny village at the tip of a hill Langhe. You will say that in these parts there are many countries with these characteristics. Instead Mango is the leading country of one of the most beautiful books I ever read, "Johnny The Partisan" by Beppe Fenoglio. If you have not already done so I recommend you read it.
The Romans were aware of the country's strategic location to eat and had created a military camp.
Mango is dominated by the castle of the Marquis of Busca, built in 1600 on the foundations of the ancient castle of the thirteenth century. Towards the end World War II the castle was the seat of a Mango partisan command that inspired the book Fenoglio. In tribute to these events the country is plastered with signs that show passages of the books of the writer Albese.
Mango The Castle now houses a restaurant, tavern and the Enoteca Regionale del Moscato.
The most typical product of the country's mango and white wine Moscato.
For me who has decided to make tourism in Piedmont and maybe in the Langhe a jump in this small town should do it.
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[Cd-r from the world - 4]
[PUJ] Another roundup of amenities in cd-r accumulated during our travels ... Let's start with this luxurious self-production of Ze French Revengers , the post-punk trio French all the female readers of this blog should know for some time. Over the past three years we've often cross them, such as last September, in Paris, during which we were able to take possession of their latest masterpiece. A cd-r of course, but packaged in a stunning silkscreened digipak with a booklet (also made by hand) of some thirty pages! That's DIY spirit! The album, recorded between France and the Basque Country, is an explosion of creativity without the schedules and constraints of gender. Post-punk violin, bass and drums mixing d-beat, apocalyptic folk, jazz, math-rock, singer-songwriter ... all with a spontaneity and a personality without equal! As always, the texts of Ze are very real and talk about topics related to diy, self-management, ecology, feminism and everyday life: "Maison de retraite autogéré " (self-managed retirement home) is a warning against the resignation and loneliness of middle-class life, while "Poubelle la vie" (He throws away his life) attacked the consumer society ( "the world is a giant landfill, humans work like animals and all that produce throw it away. Buy, buy, buy ... and then throw! I do not want to be one of the objects used and then thrown under the terms of a system that I chosen). "Revanche (Revenge) was born from a reflection on the meaning of their name (" revenge My anger does not feed that to live! My anger is destructive, my anger is liberating "and" resignation and suicide daily "), and" Fais-le toi meme "(Do it yourself) is a beautiful hymn to self (" Our whole life is a game of balance between our need for emancipation and the constant oppression, hope to chew the moments of freedom in the margins of the system ... We will never be free / and as long as that exists, and we will be condemned / and fight it. so that we can win or not we are not interested in We need only hope that our struggle for freedom open spaces ").
The title of the disc appears to be in a mysterious language, but in reality is" Nous sommes ici et là "(" we are here and there "in French) to the contrary. The cover portrays the three Zorro masks routinely worn in concert ...
>>> Download ZE REVENGERS - "Nous sums ici et là" (2010) in. mp3 + art scan (. rar - 60 mb.)
[Cd-r from the world - 5]
ATOM AGE (Powerviolence, NY, U . Sa) - What happend?! (Cd-r 2008)
[PUJ] New York, beginning in January. Afternoon grim and cold. We are located in the vibrant Lower East Side and unkempt , the most punk district of Manhattan. It 'beautiful dirty, full of shops and animated by a strange glowing kaleidoscope of cultures.
Revington Street rises on ' ABC No Rio, New York historical pseudo-squat, standing since 1980. It's two thirty in the afternoon and about to start the concert. No wonder, is a classic punk matinees dear to Americans. ABC No Rio, where the concerts punk / hc are organized only in the afternoon, non c’è bar, non si possono acquistare alcolici e nemmeno consumarli. C’è solo una stanza nera nella quale suonano i gruppi. E un angolo per le distro, naturalmente. Ad una di queste ho acquistato il cd-r degli “Era Atomica” (giovane band di New York, in cartellone quel giorno). L’ho pagato 3 dollari, la bellezza di circa un dollaro e cinquanta al minuto. Sì, perché l’e.p. in questione dura complessivamente un minuto e cinquantotto secondi! Ah,ah,ah,ah! Si impiega di più ad accendere lo stereo, infilare il cd e schiacciare play che ad ascoltarlo! Tre schiaffoni crust/grind confezionati in un atwork serigrafato di fretta e tutto sbavato, come da copione powerviolence…
>>> Download ATOM AGE "What happend?" cd-r. mp3 + art scan (. rar - 4 mb.)
[Cd-r from the world - 6]
Anemic Cinema (punk rock , Milan, Italy) - Unofficial Bootleg 2010 (cd-r 2010)
[PUJ] After Paris and New York, we stop at ... Bollate ! In the "charming" suburb of the northern outskirts of Milan live our dear friend Jerry, bassist Anemic Cinema. A few days ago I sent in this nice cd-r recorded live in studio and on "bootleg unofficial "(a bootleg is by its very nature an album" unofficial ", but here we are in complete secrecy label!). The Anemic Cinema (which takes its name from the title of a film surrealist Marcel Duchamp) sound punk as it was done around 1977, and the thing that makes them very interesting is the fact that they were formed long after the fateful date. In fact, to be counted among the longest-running punk bands of Milan began in 1984 and are still in business today. Well, yes, an activity that you can not exactly define "busy", but they do a concert a year!
In the CD you will find some handwritten composition, but also many bands cover of paleolithic type Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols and Dead Boys, though, to play on the venerable age of Grandpa Jerry, always ask him if Holiday in Cambodia "is a song of Anemic Cinema coverizzata the Dead Kennedys or vice versa. Cd-r frugal and out, so heroic.
>>> Download Anemic Cinema "Unofficial Bootleg 2010" cd-r. Mp3 + art scan (. Rar - 83 mb.)
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The program of specialized courses in Digital Economy are aimed at preparing for a professional to the highest thickness and cut management can anticipate and manage business processes and of companies in traditional industrial culture that those born in the era of Web
The course will focus in particular
corporate strategy at both corporate and strategic business unit of Planning and policies of strategic goals Marketing Internet Marketing and proactive in the reality of rapid change and the evolution of the concept of marketing mix production decisions related to strategy and their importance for the survival of
as verification of control ' use of resources to support business decisions Finance and business decisions for the use of financial resources required to generate a value higher than the opportunity cost organization and definition of organizational structures and operational mechanisms to achieve strategic results Internationalization business, study tools Supporting the Community financial instruments and Use social networks and the web as theoretical knowledge and application of new media to increase search engine positioning, reputation and sales of a company.
The courses are held by distance learning (internet) with lecture notes and tests and teacher-to-date online for the duration of the course, allow the candidate to attend the course at a distance without compulsory attendance, with advantages for those who have work commitments, work or family.
part of the course will analyze the impact of the use of multimedia and info-telematic technologies on various aspects of training education and work.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Wednesday, March 9 - 17 hours , 00
Aula Magna "Primo Levi"
Faculty of Science University of Torino, Via P. Jury, 7
Source: Communication and
Barbara Magnani Press
int.15 Via Genova 47 - 10126 Torino
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The revolt in Egypt caused for a couple of weeks the suspension of flights to the popular tourist resort on the Red Sea, Italian favorite destinations all year round.
This situation was causing considerable concern among tour operators, on the eve of a period (March-April) is particularly suitable for trips on the Red Sea.
The stop flight is indeed limited only a couple of weeks with the arrival of March and resumed regularly scheduled holidays.
The order seems to Egypt re-established and, as stated tour operators still hesitant to reassure customers, the Red Sea resorts have never been the scene of riots and clashes, which have affected the Cairo and other large cities.
Particularly in resort of Marsa Alam guests have experienced the holidays without feeling any tension in these tragic days, as evidenced by the video su YouTube degli ospiti del Floriana Dream Lagoon , Floriana Blue Lagoon , Floriana Emerald Lagoon .
Marsa Alam, che oggi è una delle mete più richieste per le vacanze in villaggio sul Mar Rosso , gode in particolare di una posizione isolata che assicura un soggiorno sicuro, of relaxation and fun in this delicate period of Egyptian history.
to reassure travelers is also the site ("Travel Safe") of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the last update (released on March 1, 2011) states: " In tourist areas of the Red Sea, Luxor and Aswan the situation is back to normal and is under control." In the rest of the country "there is a gradual resumption of activities and a trend towards normalization."