By Nathalie Boisard-Beudin from Rome, Italy (castelmagno with truffle honey.JPG) [CC-BY-2.0 (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons |
Il castelmagno è un formaggio delle vallate di Cuneo. E' uno dei prodotti tipici del Piemonte che gode della denominazione di origine protetta secondo cui deve essere rigorosamente prodotto in soli tre comuni: Pradlaves, Castelmagno Montrerosso Grana and all municipalities in the province of Cuneo.
Castelmagno is one of the world's most popular Italian cheeses. This cheese has very ancient origins dating back to the twelfth century. The name of this cheese is made up from the Piedmont legend in San Magno, a soldier Thebes which continued to preach the gospel despite persecution and which gives its name to the sanctuary of the town of Castelmagno in Grain Valley.
Castelmagno blue cheese is a semi-hard, cow's milk is produced with the addition of sheep and goat milk. Presents molds ranging from green to blue in more mature (more than 5 months) whose flavor is stronger and Slightly spicy. The
castelmagno is also used in some recipes Piedmontese cuisine such as dumplings castelmagno .
Other typical products of Piedmont on http://prodottidelpiemonte.blogspot.com/
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