Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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[Free books for punx]
Hakim Bey - Millennium: from taz the Revolution (1997)
[Pep] In 1997, Hakim Bey, author of the controversial "TAZ Temporary Autonomous Zone", the Italian public has a collection of four essays inclusive of a long and meaningful interview by David Endler, Jack Hauser and Christan Loidl. Choosing the challenging overall title of "Millennium" and situating their arguments in the theoretical scenario objectively pre-revolutionary "in the contemporary world, the American libertarian thinker, through the practice of writing subversive visionary and confusing, leading the reader to re-discover the concept of revolution: it reconfigures its political imaginary, historically incentratosi on the figure of the insurgency, which is on a dynamic of resistance to capitalism rooted in situational contingencies and devoid of the global view (which is related to the risk implicit hierarchy of the various levels of action and activism) of its revolutionary dynamic. The latter, in the rereading of Hakim Bey, is a process of re-emergence of difference (con particolare riferimento a quella localistica, da riaffermarsi in una logica secessionista) nell'ambito del mondo pan-capitalista, generatore di un inesorabile processo globale di unificazione dell'esistente nell' Impero dell'Immagine, il non-luogo virtuale nel quale si compie l'abolizione dell'im-mediatezza e del desiderio, attraverso la sostituzione di quest'ultimo con la sua alienata immagine. Hakim Bey invoca il ristabilimento neo-pagano dell'incoercibile regno della Natura Selvaggia, annientata dallo sguardo biofobico e mediatore del pancapitalismo spettacolare, configurando la creazione di differenze che trovino la propria condizione ontologica nella non-rappresentabilità, in un quadro politico che vede la neutralità abolita. La decadenza bi-polar world of the eighties in favor of the unipolar capitalist makes, in fact, impossible for the impartiality of a position to practice a contour between the two value systems at play: such was the anarchist position against capitalism and communism, in particular version distinctly anti-ideological Hakim Bey had given "temporary autonomous zones." There only remains to take the path of Jihad double: the fight against major and minor inner power against external power, in the revival of a project that finds its realization in the revival of territorial federalism anarchist against the Paradise of the images, 'beyond the screen, apparently kingdom radically transcend the unavoidable absence of alienation and pan-capitalist. [ In the drawing: Hakim Bey ].

>>> Download Hakim Bey - Millennium. Pdf (32 mb).


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