antinuclear PIEDMONT, unite!
Declaration of radicals Piedmont Bruno Mellano and Giulio Manfredi :
's all clear for those who want to see: just scroll down the curricula of the members of the Agency for Nuclear Safety (appointed today with more than a year late) to see how it goes things: the two members appointed by the Minister of Economic Development (Mauritius Cumo Ricotti and Mark Henry) have all it takes to sustain the nuclear revival Italian no ifs, ands or buts. The two members appointed by the Minister of the Environment dealing full time with something quite different: Michael Conrad, a state councilor, is currently chief of staff of the Minister Prestigiacomo and teaches administrative law at various universities, Stefano Dambruoso (magistrate, already deputy public prosecutor in Milan, former member of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Milan, a former consultant of the UN International Institute for research on combating organized crime e al terrorismo ed esperto giuridico presso la rappresentanza permanente italiana dell’Onu a Vienna) è attualmente capo dell’ufficio per il coordinamento dell’attività internazionale del ministero della giustizia.
Cumo e Ricotti, con alle spalle il ministro Romani, manderanno avanti la baracca; Corradino e Dambruoso seguiranno. E come ciliegina sulla torta, Umberto Veronesi fornirà l’immagine giusta per nobilitare una scelta nucleare antieconomica e rischiosa.
Rinnoviamo il pressante invito a tutti i cittadini piemontesi che intendono opporsi a tale scelta a unirsi in un comitato antinucleare a livello regionale, nell’anniversario della vittoria sui referendum antinucleari (8/9 novembre 1987).
Torino, 5 novembre 2010
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