"NUCLEAR, NO THANK YOU! "/ SUMMARY OF PRESS CONFERENCE PARTIES antinuclear (Turin, Piedmont Regional Council) He introduced the press conference, the representative radical Piedmont Bruno Mello:
"In the 23rd anniversary of victory over the anti-nuclear referendum (8 and 9 November 1987, 65% of the participants, the SI 'exceeded 80% ), the antinuclear Piedmont reappear together, each with its diversity, aware that to make their good reasons it has become harder and realize that their opponents can mobilize vast resources and capabilities ".
Dino Barrera (Greens): "I renew my appeal to environmental groups to address unique barriers to overcome each other because the stakes are too important. The crucial problem is the communication with the public. "
Mercedes Bresso (Regional Adviser for United Bresso):" There is no national energy plan. There is no shortage of electricity, many power plants in Piedmont are underutilized. We are witnessing, however, in recent years to a "boom" of renewable energy, which is governed, but that Italy will provide energy much less expensive and dangerous than the government would take the nuclear pouring out. We demand from the counterparty scientific answers, not slogans. The future of energy is a future of decentralized energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency. Italy is long overdue, we compare our situation to that in Germany. The train of the future has no head coaches in nuclear them is probably going to lose but in queue down the street.. "
Monica Cerutti (Regional Council of Left Ecology Freedom - SEL): "I remember Sogin that recently has revealed the list of 52 sites from which to choose the national site storage of nuclear waste, there is also the Monferrato. To think evil is a sin but since Piedmont is 85% of Italian nuclear waste, many may think of him here with us this national site. I also remember that the regional law 5 of 2010 (the laws that protect against risks from exposure to ionizing radiation) has set itself the objective of protecting people from risks arising from exposure to natural radioactivity and ionizing radiation originating from industrial activities, research and medical and health management of nuclear power stations in Piedmont.
Noemi Gallo (Regional Manager Environment of the Democratic Party): "The nuclear option is not based on an energy policy that looks to the needs but on a policy of public works, which looks at the container and not the content. An August 2010 report, commissioned by Enel / EDF at the Studio Ambrosetti, showed that uranium is a nonrenewable resource, the maximum duration of 80 \u0026lt;100 years and that nuclear power consumes a large amount of water, well more and more scarce. Remember, finally, that 1 megawatt of energy from renewable gives direct employment to 10 operators (40 operators indirectly).
Gianni Naggi (responsible regionale Ambiente e Beni Comuni di Rifondazione Comunista): “Nel 1987, i cittadini votarono no al nucleare anche sulla scia del disastro di Chernobil. Oggi dobbiamo evidenziare l’inutilità di tale scelta. La Francia deve le sue centrali alla scelta fatta negli anni ’50 del secolo scorso dal generale De Gaulle, con la sua “force de frappe”, con un nucleare civile alimentatore del nucleare militare. Oggi i costi di questo sistema sono insostenibili e i francesi cercano di farli pagare a noi. Il nucleare fornisce solamente il 6% dell’energia mondiale. La centralizzazione dell’energia alimenta lo spreco.”.
Maria Cristina Spinosa (segretaria provinciale di Italia dei Valori): "Nuclear power is an uneconomic choice and anti-historical. Having in mind all costs, including those for security and for the treatment of nuclear waste, nuclear power is not convenient. ".
David Bono (Regional Council Movement Five Stars): "The committee should be similar to the anti-nuclear Committee for Public Water: Must be a grassroots movement, the party must provide only logistical support and economic development. The sources of energy must be decentralized and distributed, it must focus on energy saving heat, houses built on finally with all the trappings of power saving. Need a regional energy plan for long term planning. ".
Torino, 9 novembre 2010