Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letter To Request Warehouse Rent Reduction


The December 5 to Piazza Carlo Alberto in Turin will host the final event of the short chain of markets, or you can find the Typical products sold directly from producers in Piedmont.

The event named "from farm to fork" will be the conclusion of a series of events which have seen the typical Piedmont players from 11 April this year in Turin.

On the official website of the event reads: "

From producer to the consumer. Without brokerage! consumers and producers together to break down all the steps of the products from farm to table to offer consumatori qualità al giusto prezzo e nel rispetto dell’ambiente."

Per maggiori informazioni  http://www.mdc.it/it/filieracortapiemonte/filieracortapiemonte.html

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can Ski Boot Bags Be Carried Onto A Plane

"NUCLEAR, NO THANK YOU! "/ SUMMARY OF PRESS CONFERENCE PARTIES antinuclear (Turin, Piedmont Regional Council)

He introduced the press conference, the representative radical Piedmont Bruno Mello:

"In the 23rd anniversary of victory over the anti-nuclear referendum (8 and 9 November 1987, 65% of the participants, the SI 'exceeded 80% ), the antinuclear Piedmont reappear together, each with its diversity, aware that to make their good reasons it has become harder and realize that their opponents can mobilize vast resources and capabilities ".

Dino Barrera (Greens): "I renew my appeal to environmental groups to address unique barriers to overcome each other because the stakes are too important. The crucial problem is the communication with the public. "

Mercedes Bresso (Regional Adviser for United Bresso):" There is no national energy plan. There is no shortage of electricity, many power plants in Piedmont are underutilized. We are witnessing, however, in recent years to a "boom" of renewable energy, which is governed, but that Italy will provide energy much less expensive and dangerous than the government would take the nuclear pouring out. We demand from the counterparty scientific answers, not slogans. The future of energy is a future of decentralized energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency. Italy is long overdue, we compare our situation to that in Germany. The train of the future has no head coaches in nuclear them is probably going to lose but in queue down the street.. "

Monica Cerutti (Regional Council of Left Ecology Freedom - SEL): "I remember Sogin that recently has revealed the list of 52 sites from which to choose the national site storage of nuclear waste, there is also the Monferrato. To think evil is a sin but since Piedmont is 85% of Italian nuclear waste, many may think of him here with us this national site. I also remember that the regional law 5 of 2010 (the laws that protect against risks from exposure to ionizing radiation) has set itself the objective of protecting people from risks arising from exposure to natural radioactivity and ionizing radiation originating from industrial activities, research and medical and health management of nuclear power stations in Piedmont.

Noemi Gallo (Regional Manager Environment of the Democratic Party): "The nuclear option is not based on an energy policy that looks to the needs but on a policy of public works, which looks at the container and not the content. An August 2010 report, commissioned by Enel / EDF at the Studio Ambrosetti, showed that uranium is a nonrenewable resource, the maximum duration of 80 \u0026lt;100 years and that nuclear power consumes a large amount of water, well more and more scarce. Remember, finally, that 1 megawatt of energy from renewable gives direct employment to 10 operators (40 operators indirectly).

Gianni Naggi (responsible regionale Ambiente e Beni Comuni di Rifondazione Comunista): “Nel 1987, i cittadini votarono no al nucleare anche sulla scia del disastro di Chernobil. Oggi dobbiamo evidenziare l’inutilità di tale scelta. La Francia deve le sue centrali alla scelta fatta negli anni ’50 del secolo scorso dal generale De Gaulle, con la sua “force de frappe”, con un nucleare civile alimentatore del nucleare militare. Oggi i costi di questo sistema sono insostenibili e i francesi cercano di farli pagare a noi. Il nucleare fornisce solamente il 6% dell’energia mondiale. La centralizzazione dell’energia alimenta lo spreco.”.

Maria Cristina Spinosa (segretaria provinciale di Italia dei Valori): "Nuclear power is an uneconomic choice and anti-historical. Having in mind all costs, including those for security and for the treatment of nuclear waste, nuclear power is not convenient. ".

David Bono (Regional Council Movement Five Stars): "The committee should be similar to the anti-nuclear Committee for Public Water: Must be a grassroots movement, the party must provide only logistical support and economic development. The sources of energy must be decentralized and distributed, it must focus on energy saving heat, houses built on finally with all the trappings of power saving. Need a regional energy plan for long term planning. ".

Torino, 9 novembre 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

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" Speaker Corner: No Nuke the opposite party, 23 years after the referendum antinucleri, not to return to the past ". Press conference tomorrow at 13 at Palazzo Lascaris.

Domani, martedì 9 novembre 2010, alle ore 13 presso la Sala dei presidenti di Palazzo Lascaris (sede del Consiglio regionale del Piemonte) in via Alfieri 15 a Torino, in occasione dell'anniversario dei tre referendum abrogativi del 8/9 novembre 1987 che misero al bando il nucleare in Italia, i partiti del comitato piemontese anti-nucleare incontrano la stampa per riaffermare la propria contrarietà al ritorno italiano di una energia non utile, non risolutiva, non sicura e non conveniente per il nostro paese.

Martedì 9 novembre 2010
ore 13.00
Sala dei Presidenti, Consiglio regionale del Piemonte, Palazzo Lascaris via Alfieri 15 - Turin

the anniversary of the historic victory of the referendum against the nuclear option Italy (8-9 November 1987), press conference entitled

"Speaker Corner: No Nuke the opposite party, 23 years after

the anti-nuclear referendum, not to return to the past "

- Mercedes Bresso - introduces
- Bruno Mello - Italian Radicals
- Dino Barrera - member of the National Federation of the Greens
- Noemi Gallo - Regional Manager of the Democratic Party Environment
- Maria Cristina Spinosa - provincial secretary in Turin Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(IDV)
- Gianni Naggi - Head of Regional Municipalities Environment and Heritage of the Communist Refoundation
- Monica Cerruti - Director of Regional Left Ecology Freedom (SEL)
- David Bono - Director of Regional Movement 5 Stars - Grillo

conclude: Claudio
Leeson and Fausto Cognasso for the Network Antinuclear Piemontese (Piedmontese antinuclear coordinating committees)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Removing Broken Cork From Champagne Bottle


Nel 2008 è stato assegnato a questo pesce d'acqua dolce il riconoscimento della Commissione Europea come denominazione di origine protetta.
La D.O.P. è stata concessa dalla Commissione Europea per tutelare la tinca gobba dorata del Piemonte, un prodotto tipico di questa regione che era stato dimenticato a lungo ma che, grazie anche a Slow Food che dal 2000 l'ha inserto tra i suoi presidi, si sta riscoprendo.

la tinca gobba dorata del Piemonte si alleva dal XIII secolo nella zona del Pianalto, un altopiano compreso tra le provincie di Torino, Asti e Cuneo.

La tinca dorata ha carni poco grasse, un gusto molto delicato e carni sode, il modo più tradizionale per cucinarla è in carpione, classiaca preparazione della cucina piemontese.

Friday, November 5, 2010

How To Clean Cat Feces Off Concrete


antinuclear PIEDMONT, unite!

Declaration of radicals Piedmont Bruno Mellano and Giulio Manfredi :

's all clear for those who want to see: just scroll down the curricula of the members of the Agency for Nuclear Safety (appointed today with more than a year late) to see how it goes things: the two members appointed by the Minister of Economic Development (Mauritius Cumo Ricotti and Mark Henry) have all it takes to sustain the nuclear revival Italian no ifs, ands or buts. The two members appointed by the Minister of the Environment dealing full time with something quite different: Michael Conrad, a state councilor, is currently chief of staff of the Minister Prestigiacomo and teaches administrative law at various universities, Stefano Dambruoso (magistrate, already deputy public prosecutor in Milan, former member of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Milan, a former consultant of the UN International Institute for research on combating organized crime e al terrorismo ed esperto giuridico presso la rappresentanza permanente italiana dell’Onu a Vienna) è attualmente capo dell’ufficio per il coordinamento dell’attività internazionale del ministero della giustizia.

Cumo e Ricotti, con alle spalle il ministro Romani, manderanno avanti la baracca; Corradino e Dambruoso seguiranno. E come ciliegina sulla torta, Umberto Veronesi fornirà l’immagine giusta per nobilitare una scelta nucleare antieconomica e rischiosa.

Rinnoviamo il pressante invito a tutti i cittadini piemontesi che intendono opporsi a tale scelta a unirsi in un comitato antinucleare a livello regionale, nell’anniversario della vittoria sui referendum antinucleari (8/9 novembre 1987).

Torino, 5 novembre 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is Psychology A Good Career


The Langhe is an area between the provinces of Asti and Cuneo characterized by numerous hills. The territory between the rivers and Tanaro Belbo. The Alta Langa to the borders of Liguria.

Despite the Langhe are located very close to the Alps are considered to belong to the chain of the Apennines.

The particular composition of the soil of the hills Langa makes these areas very favorable for grape growing, production craft and industry of the area over the past fifty years has enhanced those areas with the birth of fine wines known throughout the world.

Another characteristic typical product of the Langhe is the kind hazelnut, hazelnut produced in many of the area. During the resistance

Langhe had a starring role. Famous the Republic of Alba partisan, described in books by Fenoglio as the "Johnny Partisan," set entirely in the Langhe near Alba.

The Piedmontese dialect spoken in the Langhe, the Langhe, is unique because it integrates the Ligurian and Occitan words.

The many castles, wines and cuisine have transformed the area and the activities of the Langhe receptive attracting a lot of tourists especially foreigners. The Langhe cuisine comprises many recipes from which we can remember:
- BAGNA Caoda
- tajarin LANGHE
- agnolotti
- The PLIN
- Hazelnut cakes
- PASTA corn
- braised in Barolo

Among the many local products that in Langa offer include:

- WINES (among which the Boarolo, Barbaresco, Nebbiolo, etc ...)
- CHEESE (among which Murazzano, Raschera, Robiola Roccaverano, etc ...)

Is Frozen Depo Shot Effective

Gentile delle Langhe

Tra le dolci colline delle Langhe , dove si incontrano le provincie piemontesi di Cuneo, Asti e Alessandria si coltiva la Nocciola Piemonte della varietà Tonda Gentile Trilobata, prodotto tipico del Piemonte.

image from: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hazelnuts.jpg

The Gentile hazelnut from Piedmont has the IGP which guarantees its authenticity of origin. Piedmont hazelnuts are especially valued for their taste, just after roasting, peeling of the excellent facilities and good shelf life.

The Piedmont hazelnut is used in various preparations of Piedmontese cuisine like hazelnut cake, but finds its greatest boost by linking them with the chocolate . The marriage of these two noble ingredients nascono i gianduiotti e la torta gianduia.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Spotlight On Oracle License


La coltivazione del riso tra le provincie di Vercelli, Biella e Novara ha creato un particolare ecosistema in cui si sono sviluppate le rane. Questo sviluppo ha creato una tradizione in questi luoghi in cui le popolazioni contadine hanno iniziato a consumare la carne di rana.

La tipologia di rana che viene cucinata in Piemonte è denominata rana esculenta o mangereccia che raggiunge una lunghezza di circa 10 cm.

foto tratta da wikipedia: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Teichfrosch.jpg

The frog meat is tender and has a delicate taste and is characterized by the low-fat.

Frogs are recognized as one of the typical Piedmont products are cooked in different ways: in batter, with lemon and parsley or in a traditional risotto.