Friday, August 13, 2010

Which Race Is More Immune To Diseases


receive and publish the full program of events in September in the town of Bra, Cuneo:

Sunday, September 5

and antique MARKET LOWER

Piazza XX Settembre, Corso Garibaldi, Piazza Fallen Freedom.

From 8.00 to 20.00
Wednesday, September 8


District Flower Madonna

Francesco Tabusso anthological

Mathis Palace - Piazza Memorial for Freedom, 20 - Inauguration 18.00.

Promoted by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bra and the City of Bra.

Duration: from September 9 to October 31

Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 16.30 to 19.30 Saturday and Sunday from 19.00 to 19.30

visits to schools on the reservation.

difficult to define the painting by Francesco Tabusso. In interpreting the world that has passed years under his watchful eye, the artist has managed to express a modern painting but that has never departed too far from the weight of tradition was contaminated with its colors, shapes and perspectives that lead us to reflection. Having reached 80 years, however, is the time to look in retrospect, his great artistic production, concluding that it is not possible to enclose in the banality of a classification of the passion and emotion that the section of Tabusso was able to reserve. The City Council has granted the highest award Francesco Tabusso honorary citizenship.

Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 September

From street to street

6th edition - International Festival of street art

Over 150 artists from around the world will flood the streets with their performance with "offers a hat."

three days Bra will become the international capital of street art: jugglers, fire eaters, mimes, clowns, stilt walkers, acrobats take turns ... in the downtown streets with a performance that will involve the audience and actor, making him the protagonist. WORKSHOPS for children and adults, who want to get involved and try their hand at an art as old as the world The two days will be animated by musical groups STREET BAND.

Sabato18 September

"from court to court"

Cena Real traveling in the village of Pollenzo

The Real Village opens its doors and offers all visitors the chance to discover its excellence, even the most hidden.

Pollenzo Roman Amphitheater, Theater, Temple of Bacchus, the Tower, burial grounds, funerary monuments.

Pollenzo Carloalbertina: the old town, the square with his Church, the Agency.

and tasting dishes from appetizers to desserts along the route of the ancient town, wine at every stage, glass and door glass.

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II musical evening. Guided tours of the historic center.

Information and reservations

Tourism and Events Office of the City of Bra - tel. 0172.430185 fax 0172.418601

email: - \u200b\

"peer education"

Presentation of the international project sponsored by the ASL and CN2 Alcontra-funded by Interreg, which sees realities of young people involved in Bra and Alba, in the canton of Ticino, the Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur, in the provinces of Imperia and Verbania.

Piazza XX Settembre hours 14:00 to 18:00 realization play activities - training "Game of Nations".

Palazzo Traversa Silent Disco from 21.30

Sunday, September 19


Pollenzo - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II The stands for "Earth Market." From 09.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00 hours and the sale counter of wine tastings / samples with the products of the "Earth Market."


Continued attention ALL the shows! ... Came the soldiers.

Collection of prof. Ed.Mosca from medieval to modern times.

From 10.00 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 19.00 in collaboration with "Au petit soldat."

Laboratori “Pittura di modellini”.


dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 20.00 Piazza Spreitenbach e Giardini del Belvedere.

Le società che operano in città presenteranno le attività sportive della stagione 2010/2011. Possibilità di “provare” le varie specialità.

Testimonial d’eccezione TIZIANA NASI, Presidente Regionale del CIP (comitato Italiano Paralimpico) e della Fondazione Torino Olimpic Park a cui verrà consegnata la cittadinanza onoraria.


dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 20.00 piazza XX Settembre il mondo del volontariato che opera in città scende in piazza per testimoniare l’impegno di molti volontari che si dedicano agli altri.

SPAZIO INFORMAZIONE: un’area apposita dove le associazioni presenteranno le proprie attività con testimonial importanti.


Piazza XX settembre.

Rappresentazioni presentate dai laboratori teatrali scolastici di alcune scuole della Regione Piemonte.

Sabato 25 settembre


Arte. Cultura, spettacolo …per vivere la città di notte.

A partire dalle ore 17 di sabato 25 alle ore 20 di domenica 26 settembre la città apre le sue porte e vi aspetta con concerti, teatro, sport, musei, balli, giochi, shopping, moda, enogastronomia.


Piazza C. Alberto.

Oltre 60 Pro Loco della Provincia di Cuneo daranno vita ad una grande festa con prodotti tipici, musiche, balli, degustazioni.


Teatro Politeama Boglione alle ore 21.00


una notte per scoprire fino in fondo la città attraverso giochi, rebus, indovinelli, vi aiuteremo a scoprire gli angoli più nascosti e sconosciuti della città.

Iscrizioni a squadre (minimo 5 persone) presso l’Ufficio Turismo

e manifestazioni. Quota d’iscrizione € 2 per person.

1st prize: WEEKEND FOR TWO in a European capital.


Show FRANCESCO Tabusso.

music concerts in the courtyard with the Institute of Musical Gandino Bra

Movicentro - IDENTITY '2-Contemporary Art Exhibition


Museum of Natural History - Craven Street, 15

E WE ARE A STAR WATCH observation of the stars in collaboration with the Amateur Astronomers of Asti.

Museum of Archaeology - Building Cross - Via Parpera 4

CALL FOR HOUSE M. LUCHREZIO CRESTO. An evening dinner with the fashion of the Romans typical reservation, limited seating.


Via Guala 45

A children's corner with games, activities and workshops.


Via Vittorio Emanuele 200

fair featuring local produce, beer with the presence of the best producers in Piedmont; TASTING BENCH: an area dedicated to a wide selection of wines from the Langhe and Roero.


h.18.00 from the best bar DJs, Live Session, Food & drink.

BRA Music City - the square of the music

Memorial Square for Freedom

Groups music, bands, folk groups will alternate in a festival.

CINEMA specific programming throughout the night.

Victory Cinema, Cinema Empire.


A quiet place for a good read ... perhaps in the company.

the Zizzola

At sunrise concert at 8:00 am with a sunrise breakfast.


route to the archaeological site and home to the University of Gastronomic Sciences and the Wine Bank. Free shuttle bus leaving from the train station with driving hours


LA NOTTINA BIANCA Bra, una città per i bambini.

Il Museo del Giocattolo, spazio riservato ai più piccoli con animazioni, giochi, laboratori, discoteca mobile, degustazioni… per vivere insieme tutta la notte.

Domenica 26 settembre


16a edizione

Oltre 100 cortili saranno a disposizione per tutta la giornata.

Itinerario enogastronomico, mostre d’arte, gruppi musicali e folkloristici, bande, sfilate, antichi mestieri.


In alcuni cortili è di scena l’enogastronomia di Langa e Roero con la possibilità di consumare un pasto completo, dall’antipasto al dolce.

Menù servito

Aperitivo, Salsiccia di Bra cruda confezionata dai maestri macellai con carne di vitello di razza piemontese, Peperoni di Carmagnola in agrodolce con salsa, Fantasie di verdure crude prodotte negli orti braidesi – BAGN’NTL OLI, Agnolotti al plin al sugo d’arrosto, Gran bollito misto con carne di razza piemontese accompagnato da salse tipiche, Plateau di formaggi DOP della Provincia di Cuneo, Torta di nocciole con zabaione, Caffè.

…il tutto abbinato ai grandi vini di Langa e Roero.

DOLCE BRA con Baratti e Milano.


meeting place Gardens Piazza Roma (in front of the train station) - the first departure at 12.00 - the second starting at 13:00


€ 25.00 including guided tours and tastings in the courtyards, and glass holder, shows animation, paper guide to the location

€ 8.00 for children under 12 years

Special conditions:

€ 21.00 for groups of 20 or

€ 21.00 for those who reach the city by train


Meeting Gardens Piazza Roma in front of the train station). Meet the guides - departures groups 9.00 / 10.00 / 11.00 /12.00/15.0/16.00/17.00


Itinerario alla scoperta del sito archeologico e alla sede dell’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche e alla Banca del Vino

BUS NAVETTA dal Movicentro con guida.

Orari 11.00/15.00/16.00.

BRA, LA CITTA’ DEI BAMBINI Museo del giocattolo

Per ragazzi dai 4 ai 12 anni


Giornata di animazione e di gioco presso il Museo del Giocattolo – Via Guala 45.

Programma: ore 10.00 ricevimento dei bambini presso il Museo del Giocattolo, attività di animazione con laboratori Ore 12.30 pranzo servito dalla mensa scolastica – spettacolo di Burattin

Ore 16.00 riconsegna dei bambini

QUOTA DI PARTECIPAZIONE: € 12.00 comprensiva di animazione con personale specializzato, pranzo, attività di laboratorio, spettacolo di burattini.

Domenica 3 ottobre

Pollentia antiquaria Borgo di Pollenzo

dalle ore 8.00 alle ore 20.00: Occasioni di incontro e scambio fra collezionisti, antiquari e trovarobe.

Org. Ass.Turistica Pro loco La Torre Pollenzo.


Le cene in cortile

• Appuntamenti a tavola nei ristoranti tipici della città. Un percorso alla scoperta delle eccellenze enogastronomiche di Langa e Roero unito alla professionalità dell’offerta ad un prezzo equo e sostenibile da tutti. programma dettagliato sul sito a settembre

I cortili si raccontano

• Le veglie nei cortili storici della città (programma dettagliato sul sito a settembre)

Domenica 5 settembre 2010- Mercatino dell’antiquariato e del collezionismo

Mercoledì 8 settembre 2010 - Festa patronale della Madonna dei Fiori

Mercoledì 8 settembre 2010 – Inaugurazione mostra “Francesco Tabusso” - Palazzo Mathis

Sabato 11, domenica 12 settembre 2010 - Di strada in the street (6th edition)

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - Routes to discover ... "In the Footsteps of the Romans" and Trekking in the Roero "

Saturday, September 18, 2010 -" from court to court, "traveling dinner in the Royal Village of Pollenzo

Saturday, September 18, 2010 - "Peer Education" and "silent disco"

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - Sport in Piazza

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - Voluntarily

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - Student Theatre Festival

Sunday, September 19 2010 - A Sunday With Giovanni Arpino

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - Waiting for "Mother Earth", the "Market of the earth "in Pollenzo

Sunday, September 19, 2010 -" The Soldiers "

Saturday, September 25, 2010 - The City in One Night

Sunday, September 26, 2010 - From Courtyard to Courtyard (16th Edition-gastronomic itinerary)

Sunday September 26, 2010 - "Get off the train and you're in the middle of the festival, historic train from Turin to Bra

Sunday, October 3, 2010 - Antique Pollentia



Sunday, September 12, 2010

ON THE TRAIL OF THE ROMANS proposed by the Civic Museum of Archaeology.

A journey through history, culture, landscape and food

Shuttle Bus from Turin - Piazza Vittorio Veneto meeting point 8.30 - reception, starting Bra 9.00 - 10.00 am

Arrival Arriving by car event at Palazzo Traversa, via Paper 4 at 10.00

Guided tour of the archaeological section of the Museum Civico.Trasferimento Pollenzo, visit to the village archaeological tour of the Colosseum, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, the garden of the Agency. Stop at the Wine Bank at the University of Gastronomic Sciences. Transfer to Vagienna Well locations Roncaglia, where stood the ancient Roman city. Lunch near the archaeological visit the site and the Museum

Return to Bra to 17.00 Departure for Turin.

Fee: € 30.00

includes bus trip Torino / Bra and return transfer by coach to

Pollenzo, Buffet, guided visits to sites.

€ 20.00 for those who can not get transport Torino / Bra and vice versa

€ 10.00 children under 12 years

Sunday, September 12

3rd TREKKING IN ROERO: in the heart of the rock

tour nature tour, given by Museum of Natural History. We continue our journey to discover the nature and Roero in this 3rd meeting we will go more to the east, in the heart of the area, being close to the fracture of the rocks, looking for areas that have preserved, at least in part, its original appearance, where she still lives on the natural flora and where can I find guidance on its interesting geological origin . Meet at 9:00 at the Middle School courtyard Piumati - Via Barbican. Possibility of parking. Bus transfer back to Bra after 18. The lunch is paid by participants.

Fee: € 7.00 inclusive of guide and coach transfers.

Sunday, September 19 A DAY WITH JOHN ARPINO

Hours 9.00Partenza Shuttle Bus da Torino – Piazza Vittorio Veneto

Arrivo a Bra e incontro con la guida - Itinerario nei luoghi Arpiniani. Pranzo al Ristorante Garibaldi. Nel pomeriggio proseguimento dell’itinerario Arpiniano. Visita guidata alla città. Ore 17.00 rientro a Torino.

Per chi non arriva da Torino possibilità di partecipare alla giornata arrivando a Bra direttamente con mezzi propri.

Appuntamento ore 10.00 Piazza Caduti per la Libertà (Comune)

Quota di partecipazione:

€ 35.00 comprensive di pulman, visite guidate, pranzo in ristorante;

€ 30,00 per chi raggiunge la città con mezzi propri.


Formula Week end

In occasione delle manifestazioni di settembre si propongono dei soggiorni speciali alla scoperta della Città e del territorio circostante.

1a proposta Tre giorni/due notti

1 giorno arrivo in mattinata- sistemazione in hotel ***, pranzo libero.

Nel pomeriggio TOUR IN LANGA – la strada del barolo: La Morra, Grinzane Cavour, Serralunga, Manforte d’Alba Rientro a Bra – Aperitivo in locale storico - Cena in locale tipico.

2° giorno Sulle Tracce dei Romani: Pollenzo, Alba, Benevagienna. Pranzo in locale tipico.

Nel pomeriggio TOUR DEL ROERO – Sommaria Perno, Ceresole, Baldissero, Monteu Roero, Santo Stefano Roero, Alba Montà with a visit to the pylons. Return to Bra, dinner at local restaurant and participation in the events.

Day 3 in the morning visit to the town of Bra, home of the Piedmontese Baroque. Participation in the events calendar.

second proposal two days / one night

one day arrive in the morning-in at the hotel ***, free lunch in the afternoon

TOUR IN LANGA - the road of Barolo, La Morra, Grinzane Cavour, Serralunga, Monforte d 'Return to Bra Alba - Bars in local history - Dinner at local restaurant.

Day 2 in the morning visit to the town of Bra, birthplace Piedmontese Baroque. Participation in the events calendar.


first proposed € 200.00 per person (children under 10 years € 100.00) includes: accommodation in double room with breakfast, dinner on Day 1, dinner on Day 2, 3 lunch Day, activities, inputs

to castles and museums.

2 ° proposed € 140.00 per person (children under 10 years € 50.00) includes: accommodation in double room with breakfast, dinner on Day 1, lunch on Day 2, activities, entrance fees to museums and castles .

special camper

Saturday 25 and Sunday September 26, 2010

Saturday arrival in Bra-equipped accommodation in the area Spreitenbach Square - Registration.

14.30 pm departure of the shuttle tour ON THE TRAIL OF THE ROMANS visit to three major centers Pollenzo Romans, Alba, Benevagienna. Return to

Bra - with BBQ dinner at the premises of the school canteen Via Montegrappa.

Participation in "The City in one night."

Sunday - From the backyard to yard journey to discover the historic courtyards of the city. 10:00 am guided tour of the historic center - the cradle of the Baroque in Piedmont wine and food tour 12.00 am in the courtyards: aperitif, Bra sausage, peppers Carmagnola, raw vegetables and fresh vegetable gardens Bra, agnolotti al plin, boiled Piedmont mixed with sauces, cheese DOP plateau of the province of Cuneo, sweets, coffee ... all combined with the great wines of the Langhe and Roero.

special participation fee of € 20.00 inclusive camper area, Tours Footsteps of the Romans, Saturday dinner, Sunday lunch in the courtyard, also support a free tourist guide (crew) every 10 crews from the same club.

off the train

Sunday, September 26, 2010

vintage train made with the help of the Piedmont Region Department for Transport and TRENITALIA
hour meeting in Turin Porta Nuova station - accommodation coaches

PN 8:45 am departure from Turin, Lingotto stops and arrival at 10.15 hours Carmagnola Bra -

reception at the station - city tour with tour guides made provision of the City of Bra - 13.00 Gourmet Trail: walking freely through the streets of the old town meet the excellence of Piedmontese cuisine. Bra sausage, peppers Carmagnola, raw vegetables, vegetable gardens Bra (Bagn'nt oils), agnolotti al plin, a large boiled with sauces typical of the Piedmont, the Province of Cuneo DOP cheese, pastries ... all combined with the great wines of DOC Langa and Roero. And festa continua…. Nel pomeriggio oltre 100 cortili saranno a disposizione dei turisti: cortili animati con mostre d’arte, gruppi musicali e folkloristici, bande musicali, sfilate storiche, antichi mestieri…ore 19.00 partenza del Treno per Torino fermate a Carmagnola e Torino Lingotto.

Quote di partecipazione € 30,00 (bambini fino a 12 anni ¤ 15.00)

La quota comprende: viaggio in treno d’epoca A/R, guide turistiche per la visita alla città, itinerario enogastronomico tra i cortili, bicchiere e porta bicchiere, animazioni nel centro storico.


Per i ragazzi dai 4 ai 12 anni una giornata di animazione and play at the Toy Museum set up by the City at the premises of the Public Library. The children will be assisted by skilled personnel.

hours 8/8.30 Meeting in the Station TORINO PN-meeting with the guide - accommodation coaches, PN 8:45 am Departure from Turin, Lingotto stops and Carmarthen, at 10.15 arriving in Bra - welcome to the station - meeting with the leaders - transfer to the Museum of the toy business, at 12.30 lunch served by the school canteen. Following

entertainment activities and games, puppet show, 18:30 transfer to the train station, at 19.00 Departure of the steam train to Turin.

Fees € 15.00 The price includes: travel by steam train A / R, with animation specialists, lunch, afternoon at the Toy Museum, souvenir hat.

Info and reservations:


Square Memorial for Freedom, 20 - 12042 Bra

Tel 0172.430185 Fax 0172.418601

Email: . it

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